Embers Adrift

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Recent content by /dev/pie

  1. /dev/pie

    Higher Population Needed

    I played during closed and open beta. During that time imo I knew this game was not ready for release. The optimization was not there. The lack of mob variety made the game feel the same no matter what lvl you were. I can go on about all the other things that I thought should have been improved...
  2. /dev/pie

    Worried about the Linux client.

    Yeah I would like to know myself. Cause I tried using proton and letting it run for a few hours because I thought it was just compiling textures. However I still got 1fps on the lowest settings.
  3. /dev/pie

    The game is not ready for launch.

    I understand that development does not stop at launch. However over the years we have had 'aaa' game studios AND indie developers release games that have been half baked. The excuse of 'The game will get better after launch' should never be an excuse.
  4. /dev/pie

    The game is not ready for launch.

    I played during closed beta and open beta. I leveled my character from 1 to 30. To be honest with you for a game that is supposed to be enjoyable from start to finish it’s simply not fun. Starter zone is pretty empty, killing the same mobs over and over again with no variety, harvesting feels...
  5. /dev/pie

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I was thinking the same thing.
  6. /dev/pie

    Worried about the Linux client.

    The performance using proton is unplayable. Whomever has been able to get it to “work” must be playing at 1-10fps.
  7. /dev/pie

    Worried about the Linux client.

    Yeah it’s too bad not only did the game look interesting but I bought into it because they actually had a native Linux client.
  8. /dev/pie

    Worried about the Linux client.

    I know I may be the 0.1% of users who uses Linux as a main OS. However I noticed the client is no longer downloadable. Will this game be available on Linux at release? I know some people here run the game via proton but there is a HUGE performance drop using the latest proton. System specs...