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Your crafting template?


New Member
How are you all arranging your trade skills with your different characters?

I chose to make make my main a Hunter then picked up Provisioner and Outfitter. They seem to fit together nicely

My first alt I chose Prospector followed by Armorsmith and I'm probably going to choose Weaponsmith when I can

But I've been wondering if perhaps I should make one all harvester and some others all crafter.
Your first 2 trade skills should be gathering. Then the 3rd should be your actual crafting skill. If you want to be a provisioner then choose hunter and forester.
When you're level 12 for both gathering skills. It should give you enough materials to level up your trade skill. If you choose your tradeskill as your 2nd. Your going to struggle finding enough materials to level it up, unless you buy the materials from players.
If you choose the outfitter route, a hunter and forester are still the same gathering skills to choose.
I went with hunter + forester + outfitter on main STK.
(Figured hunter requires the most solo kills and highest level char and outfitter is very useful for STK)
Prospector + weapon + armorsmithing on my DEF.
(I've found armorsmithing to be lacking for anyone other then DEF but great to have on one and I think this profession combo is just natural/makes sense)
And provisioner + woodworker + tinker on my SUP.
(Provisioner and tinker are extremely useful to all classes, woodworker a bit more lacking overall it mainly supplies my STK with arrows. Went with no gathering on the SUP because I tend to only play it in groups and avoid soloing with that char)
I went with hunter + forester + outfitter on main STK.
(Figured hunter requires the most solo kills and highest level char and outfitter is very useful for STK)
Prospector + weapon + armorsmithing on my DEF.
(I've found armorsmithing to be lacking for anyone other then DEF but great to have on one and I think this profession combo is just natural/makes sense)
And provisioner + woodworker + tinker on my SUP.
(Provisioner and tinker are extremely useful to all classes, woodworker a bit more lacking overall it mainly supplies my STK with arrows. Went with no gathering on the SUP because I tend to only play it in groups and avoid soloing with that char)
Literally doing exactly this, myself. Seemed like the right/perfect combo.
Warden - Forrester, Woodworker, Provisioner
Duelist - Prospector, Tinker, Weaponsmith
Marshal - Hunter, Outfitter, Armoursmith
Striker (main) - All gathering skills - this will be my main character. Also if my gathering keeps pace with my adv I have the mats on 1 character to supply someone else to make gear

2 alts - split 6 crafting skills between them (weapon, provision, tinker) and (armor, outfitter, woodworker)

1st alt will keep weapons, food and jewelry close to mains level and 2nd alt can tag along leveling at a slower pace. Can always take main back to lower areas if i need mats for either of the alts.
One gathering skill on each character.
Then one easy to level crafting skill.
Then one hard to level crafting skill.

Seems to have worked out ok.
I'm levelling 3 characters in parallel, levelling them in series would make material changes to the strategy.
Another factor is I'm 80% solo / 20% group due to my timezone.