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Feedback XP Should Not Be Scaled Entirely on Color

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Okay, last one for the day XD I posted this in a related thread but figured a separate one would be more relevant:

The number of chevrons really should be a multiplier for XP as well as color, however small is appropriate. We should not get the same amount of XP for a single as a double or triple. Especially for the triples - I find myself skipping them because they're just not worth my time. And in dungeons, they just become a slog (and no, I don't play solo).

For greys specifically, I find myself very frustrated by not getting any XP at all for doubles and triples. I agree that we shouldn't get anything for the single greys - that would create problems for lower levels needing to farm those mobs. But for two- and three-chevs...these are more difficult and would require a group anyway for lower levels to farm. We should get something XP for them, however minimal.

My TL;DR is: XP should be scaled on both color and chevrons. Even if the multiplier is small, higher chevrons should give you more XP - especially triples, which were recently buffed.
Yeah I do think it's problematic that a 3 chevron gray mob gives no xp but takes longer to kill than a 1 chevron white mob which gives quite a bit of xp.
My TL;DR is: XP should be scaled on both color and chevrons. Even if the multiplier is small, higher chevrons should give you more XP - especially triples, which were recently buffed.
Not sure how you came to this conclusion but chevrons most certainly act as XP multipliers. Some examples if all of the mobs were the same con:
  • A solo player taking down a 2^ mob will get more XP than if they were taking down a 1^ mob.
  • A group of 2 or more taking down a 1^ mob will each get less XP than if they were to take the same mob down solo.
  • A group of 2-3 players taking on a 2^ mob will each get more XP than if they were to each take down a 1^ mob individually.
  • A group of 2-3 players taking on a 3^ mob will each get more XP than if they were to take down a 2^ mob.
  • A group of 4-6 players taking on a 2^ mob will each get less XP than if they were to take down a 3^ mob.
  • A group of 4-6 players taking on a 3^ mob will each get more XP than if they were individually taking down a 2^ mob, or individually taking down a 1^ mob.
In addition, you must also consider that 2^ mobs sample loot tables more than 1^ mobs, and likewise 3^ mobs sample their loot tables more than both 2^ and 1^ mobs increasing the likelihood of obtaining better loot.

When it comes to grays, the XP delivered is zero so any multipliers are nullified. Players always take the path of least resistance. So however unlikely it would be that someone would "level" on gray mobs, it would 100% happen. Not only does this take away mobs from players of even level as you suggest, but it does not align with the goals of our game. I would also like to mention that this is pretty standard in the MMO industry, mobs that you have out-leveled regardless of their difficulty level typically do not award adventuring experience.
Thanks for the explanation! I think I came to the conclusion because it feels nonexistent due to it being so small a modifier, but I'm glad the functionality is there. :) It's also definitely hard to tell what's worth it and what's not, what with numbers being percentages - but I know this is one thing you've addressed before in another thread.

However, for the grey mobs - triple chevs would be rarely farmed. The point isn't to give players more and more and more for lower levels, but rather to avoid punishing higher level players for helping lower levels with triples (not carrying). You know, encouraging group play the way you already do in other ways! :p
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