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where is everyone

You've missed the train! When they opened up the free trial there was a lot of new comers. Pretty much everyone is passed the starting zone now.

However, you won't see people log in for another 6-8 hours or so. Basically prime time. There should be more players in the starting zone by then.
Community was pretty active and busy today when I was online from 9am to 1pm CDT - I can not say for the starting zone as I've not paid attention to check, but plenty of discussions going on in the global/help chats, many groups organised. Several streams going on through the day.
The low pop was the only thing keeping me from logging in. Steam would do wonders for Embers at this point. It would be the most solid indie mmo available on the platform and bring millions of potential eyes to the game. This baffles me.
There are many more things to consider about going to steam than you might realize.
The low pop was the only thing keeping me from logging in. Steam would do wonders for Embers at this point. It would be the most solid indie mmo available on the platform and bring millions of potential eyes to the game. This baffles me.
If I could snap my fingers and have us on steam I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there's a ton of complications with accounts, integrating with the steam api, and the like which would take a good chunk of dev time. Dev time which we simply do not have right now as we're focused on new features and content.
At the time you posted this stream was just winding up.

Since then I've slept for 6 hours, went to an in-laws for a Good Friday feast (which included 2 beers and a vodka) and just now got home.
I might put on the replay of this stream, have a few laughs watching it, then take a nap.

I hope that helps.
If I could snap my fingers and have us on steam I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there's a ton of complications with accounts, integrating with the steam api, and the like which would take a good chunk of dev time. Dev time which we simply do not have right now as we're focused on new features and content.
I guess I think briefly pausing content creation for a few hundred is less important than content creation for potentially thousands via Steam, thereby enabling yourself to create even more high quality content in the long term.
I guess I think briefly pausing content creation for a few hundred is less important than content creation for potentially thousands via Steam, thereby enabling yourself to create even more high quality content in the long term.
How long is "briefly"? We don't exactly know but I'm willing to bet it would be longer than most anticipate. And there is no guarantee that going to steam is going to make up for the potential loss of players due to the time required to migrate. Not to mention Steam is well saturated with games and there's no guarantee on how much additional exposure we would gain.

Again, I would like to emphasize that going to Steam is possible at some point in the future. But right now we are electing to focus our resources on more immediate needs of the community to keep them as happy and healthy as possible. I can't stress enough how limited our development time is. We're literally a hand full of people working for very little pay to keep moving this game forward.
I'm gone, unfortunately.

Last night I got to the point where I made the decision to finally throw in the towel.

It was trade fair night and I had been trying to get rid of some things in my inventory.
I have to admit that I now dread these moments like the devil dreads holy water - and so it came to pass:
About an hour in town with no success.
In the end, I did what I had to do - I vendored most items and even destroyed some goods which can't be vendored.

I had also been trying for days to get hold of a pair of zink bars - not 100, not 50, not 10, not even 5. Literally a couple.
But whenever I asked for them in /trade - no answer.
It almost seemed as if I wasn't asking for zink bars, but nuclear weapons.

Frustrated, I left the city - which brings me to the next point: travelling.
People mock Vanilla WoW as "World of WalkCraft", but that’s nothing compared to travelling in EA.
After the obligatory loading screen, you first traipse through half the zone to get to a monolith from which you can then fast travel.
At least you can also port to a regional ember ring from a monolith. At least that's something.

As I was low on ember essence (lots of prior travelling for quests and crafting), I had to fill it up.
My next point of criticism.
On top of being uncomfortable, (fast) travelling also requires ember essence.
It would be nice if you could at least recharge this resource at an ember ring instead of having to kill ashen creatures, even if it were very slowly.

But well, ember rift it was.
Gaining essence outside went slowly, so I went inside the ember vein.

Oh, right: It's the Mires EV, which is the bane to my framerate.
I had only restarted my notebook yesterday, but obviously it was time again.

So I logged out - initially with the intention of restarting my notebook.

But when I got to the character screen, I changed my mind and decided against continuing to play a game that
- causes me (but obviously others, too, if various reports are to be believed) so many technical problems,
- comes up with some questionable design decisions that are reminiscent of chewing dry bread and - last but not least -
- has a small community that is extremely helpful at the best of times and reminds me of a petulant child who doesn't want to talk at the worst.

I leave with gratitude that I had the opportunity to experience this game - my thanks go to those who made it possible.
Regardless of my criticism, it's great what you have put together.

I will miss EA: the music, the atmosphere, the nice people, the feeling of fighting back to back in a dungeon and overcoming seemingly hopeless situations.

On the other hand, there were also many frustrating moments - that's why I'm now pulling the ripcord.

I thought long and hard about whether I should post this at all or just leave quietly - but then, maybe someone on the team would be interested to know the reasons why people turn their backs on EA.

Well, these are mine.

I hope I've done my bit (financially, but also by reporting bugs and suggesting improvements) to keep the game alive and make it a little better, but yeah - that's it for me.

Heya @Karma - sad to see you go but thanks for taking the time to write your feedback-message.
I will answer to a few points ar they are of interest for everyone.

As repeated many time, before to even consider an Auction House, or any other Trade System, we need to work on the Mail system. Because a mail system would be the base uppon which youc an build something else.
The mail system is finaly about to be released. So that will be the start. At the end of the month, everyone will be able to sent mails, with attachement. Working basically like World Of Warcraft mail.

People mock Vanilla WoW as "World of WalkCraft", but that’s nothing compared to travelling in EA.
I think I will make a video comparing how long it takes to cross the Barrens, or Meadowlands as I'm not sure which take longer. :)
In any case, when it comes to our travels, we have already added the well travelled buff, and the monolith-to-emberring teleportation. We still want players to walk and explore our lands and avoid modern game fast travels system, which are disconnecting the players from the adventure feel.
The next project we may be working, would be a monolith in NewHaven City, that the community build together. But this is at the stage of project. We are nowhere to implement the tech requiered for that.

In anycase, wishing you the best for your adventures
Hello @Elloa,

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

I hope my post didn't come across as disrespectful - I tried to be honest but also balanced in my criticism.

As for trading:

I'm fully aware that you can't just introduce a trading system like that - and after all, it's just one of several points of criticism.

As for travelling:

True, travelling in Vanilla WoW is also tedious, but you have to remember that once you have unlocked flight paths, they make travelling a lot easier.
In the example you mentioned, the Horde (the Alliance obviously got the short end of the stick, haha) can fly back and forth between Crossroads, Ratchet and Camp Taurajo at any time while travelling the Barrens.

In Embers Adrift it doesn't work that easily.

In addition, travelling in WoW is generally easier (hearthstone, minimap, map displaying the player's current position, no dark nights).

I can't recall how many times I simply lost my bearings in Embers Adrift and wandered around aimlessly for minutes (and that's an understatement).

Don't get me wrong, I'm right there with you: I don't want people to teleport at will through the world either - but there should be a middle ground.

A monolith in Newhaven City sounds like a good first step - and players contributing to getting it built sounds like an awesome idea.

Anyway, if I continue discussing these things, I'll stay in the end - and who wants that? ;)

Thank you for the good wishes. I'm wishing all the best to you as well.
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Anyway, if I continue discussing these things, I'll stay in the end - and who wants that? ;)
We do! I saw your post in game about the Zink bars but I thought you needed a bunch to level crafting. Had I known you needed less than 50 I would have given them to you. I was out in Dryfoot harvesting zink when I saw your post about needing them. Lesson learned on my end I should have asked how many you needed and logged onto one of my guys in town to get them from the bank for you. Sorry about that but even more sorry to see you go.
Haha, okay.

Again, I thought I had made it quite clear that I only needed a few, a handful.
You can be sure that if I needed such quantities as you described, I would make that clear, so:

"Looking for zink bars x50 (100, etc.)."

But thanks (belatedly) for the offer. It's appreciated.
Haha, okay.

Again, I thought I had made it quite clear that I only needed a few, a handful.
You can be sure that if I needed such quantities as you described, I would make that clear, so:

"Looking for zink bars x50 (100, etc.)."

But thanks (belatedly) for the offer. It's appreciated.
Well if you decide to come back eventually, if you see someone from the Weekend Warriors online (almost always the weekends) feel free to ask for help of any kind. Seriously I have logged off of one of my guys to log onto another just to help out those in need and most of the time I give stuff away to those who need it. I would be more than happy to run with you in game.
Karma is totally right. And also the mobs being so far apart in the world that you end up having to find a group to tackle those higher density areas or dungeons. I played 12 hours today, I waited half that for people to get on, then the other half trying to get a group together. Good luck ya'll.
Where ?
Dryfoot and Meadowlands, even High Pass Hills.
More in the 10s and 20s now it seems, after the recent opening of free trial.
Starting zone is hardly swamped, but looks like newbies arriving each day.

I find there are things to do without a group, and I keep an ear out for opportunities.

Don't be discouraged by the Negative Nellies here SHS,
The Positive Paulies are in game having much fun :)