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Washed Out Graphics / Low Contrast?


New Member
I'm wondering if the game is designed to look this way or if I have my settings wrong. I have a 4090 and a 42" LG OLED. What I'm experiencing is that during the day the scene is very bright and washed out, like the brightness is turned way up and the contrast is turned way down...but I don't see settings for brightness or contrast. Nightime looks great.

Any ideas?

Note tghat the game doesn't appear to be registered with Geforce Experience either. Normally I'd be able to address these issues with the NVidia game overlay, but that option is not available with this game as it appears to be unsupported
Got a 2080 myself so as long as it's not a series 4 problem or the OLED try sliding your "exposure adjustment" in the graphics tab also check/switch the HDR setting on your monitor.
Hope this helps will keep an eye out for your update.
P.S update your graphics drivers lately? I assume you have since your using GeForce experience but if not try that first.
the exposure slider only helps for nights, it doesn't do much at bright days.
Here's 2 screenshots, can you tell the difference between slider all the way to the left or right?
I'm wondering if the game is designed to look this way or if I have my settings wrong. I have a 4090 and a 42" LG OLED. What I'm experiencing is that during the day the scene is very bright and washed out, like the brightness is turned way up and the contrast is turned way down...but I don't see settings for brightness or contrast. Nightime looks great.
The morning typically brings some low lying fog, but without screenshots it is hard to pinpoint what is causing the game to feel washed out for you. By around noon the fog has typically dissipated.

the exposure slider only helps for nights, it doesn't do much at bright days.
Here's 2 screenshots, can you tell the difference between slider all the way to the left or right?
View attachment 3295View attachment 3296
The exposure compensation only impacts the night exposure. What you are observing here is morning fog coupled with 0% shadows. Without shadows the entire scene is bathed in sunlight and the vegetation has no translucency (which is why it looks dark); I recommend trying for at least 50% shadow distance and adjusting other settings if you need to compensate for the performance hit.