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The grip wrap you are showing looks like it is a consumable augment which is used for enhancing weapons after the fact. The grip wraps used for crafting is another item - we need to revisit these names to avoid this confusion moving forward. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
I believe that slot takes cloth or leather (if you hover over the "i" it should tell you what materials qualify)
The grip wrap you are showing looks like it is a consumable augment which is used for enhancing weapons after the fact. The grip wraps used for crafting is another item - we need to revisit these names to avoid this confusion moving forward. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
I believe that slot takes cloth or leather (if you hover over the "i" it should tell you what materials qualify)
just regular leather? ok i got its just regular refinded leather not the wraps u are right its abit confusing thx for gelping i got my 2H now very poud
I think so? I haven't done much weapon crafting so I personally don't know for sure. But hovering over the little "i" icon just above and to the right of the component slot should give some insight. We are looking into making some naming changes to avoid this confusion moving forward.