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Embers Adrift

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They talk about us! - list of videos and articles created by the community


Stormhaven Studios
Elloa -61.png

Hey friends!

We are so happy and excited when content creators are speaking about Embers Adrift.
In this thread, I’ve gathered videos and articles that are mentioning us. If you want to know what some content creators think about our game, check them out, and maybe leave a comment with your thoughts and a Like (it always help)!

Trailer Reaction by Vulkan

New Indie Sandbox MMO by Action RPG:

10 MMORPGS in 2022 you have never heard off by Fextralife

The future of MMO 2022 edition by Redbeardflynn

This week PC Gaming News by ForceGaming

5 Indie MMORPGs to keep an eye on in 2022 by MMORPG.com

Premier appercu d'Embers Adrift by Jeux Online

Ces MMORPGS qui font le pari des mécaniques sociales by Jeux Online

Los 7 Nuevos MMORPGs - Video in spanish by ChampeGaming

Hope you enjoy this little selection of content creation by the gaming community!
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