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(The lyrics are not mine, but from the song linked below).
Woke up this morning, with the strangest dream.
Was in the biggest army, the world had ever seen.
And we were marching as one, on the road to the holy grail.
Started out seeking fortune and glory.
It's a short song, but its a hell of a story.
When you spend your lifetime trying to get your hands on the holy grail.
All the locals scattered
They were hiding in the snow
We were so far from home
So how were we to know
There'd be nothing left to plunder
When we stumbled on the Holy Grail?
We were foolish beings
But we were dying like flies
And those big black birds
They were circling in the sky
And you know what they say, yeah
Nobody deserves to die
Oh I
I've been searching for an easy way
To escape the cold light of day
I've been high, and I've been low
But I've got nowhere else to go
There's nowhere else to go