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The title question


Stormhaven Studios
Hey community!

As promised, we have been discussing the lvl 50 celebration titles in depth with the team.
Our intention is to celebrate and reward players that went through the journey to level 50 with a special title that crowns their achievement.
Reaching level 50 in Embers Adrift is a feat that requires patience, dedication, collaboration with other players and perseverance.
We also want to celebrate those that were pioneers in this endeavor. It is an historic moment, the path to level 50 was particularly difficult for those players, and we think it deserves to be rewarded with a special title.

After much discussions, we have decided:
  • The title High+Class will be awarded automatically to every player that reaches the max level.
  • The title Arch+Class will be awarded to the players that were the first level 50 of their class

In practice:
- For now, Nautilus, Quoetzl, Gordak, Eryola and Torthur have the title High+class. After the patch today, anyone lvl 50 will receive this title automatically.
- The Arch + class title will need to be given manually, and I was thinking… As a new title need to be awarded, maybe we could do a little event around that? I will be contacting each player individually to see what they think of that idea.

There are many other titles that are planned as we speak by the team. You will be discovering those soon enough.Those of you that will want to become title collectors will have the possibility to do so!

Thanks for reading
- Elloa
Please do not give out the arch titles
(Extremely unlevel playing field for these and "1st" titles in MMOs lead to really unhealthy, and unfair practices both in and out of game)

High titles should have always been for anyone who hits 50 in their class.
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Sorry Korraz but I do take this as a personal attack.

Deeply apologize Q. I truly do not want to take away from anyone's accomplishments and my original comment was clearly too far/personal and that's not my intention in ANY way here.
I think awarding anything for "first to reach 50" runs counter to the philosophy I understood as being central to Embers Adrift. When you log in for the first time, you're greeted with an invitation to enjoy the journey -- take your time, don't rush. Why reward people for literally rushing to 50? All it's done that I can see is make people be rude to each other and argue in world chat.
I'm happy there are plans for many other titles.
Having these "hit 50" titles makes absolutely no difference to how I will play, but I'm happy to have the title when I hit 50.

I'm expecting to have many more before I have that one though :)
I think awarding anything for "first to reach 50" runs counter to the philosophy I understood as being central to Embers Adrift. When you log in for the first time, you're greeted with an invitation to enjoy the journey -- take your time, don't rush. Why reward people for literally rushing to 50? All it's done that I can see is make people be rude to each other and argue in world chat.

I am going to answer this and try to explain MY point of view on the matter.
- First of all, the unique title had been suggested after the fact. When ou first player reach level 50. Therefor that title - that no one was aware of, not even us - has never been a carot to push players to rush to the max level.
- Second, I do believe that it is pretty cool to reward someone for being the first in the world to have accomplished something such as getting to max level in our game. It is no small feat to reach that max level and in the case of our first timers, it was much more difficult than it is today due to the lack of max level content at that time. It is a true accomplishement.
- Third, now that we do have a title for everyone, I do not really understand the bitterness related to the fact that some players will be rewarded by something special, because they did accomplished something special.
- Third, now that we do have a title for everyone, I do not really understand the bitterness related to the fact that some players will be rewarded by something special, because they did accomplished something special.
Blame participation trophies. People today think noone should have anything unless they get one.
I think awarding anything for "first to reach 50" runs counter to the philosophy I understood as being central to Embers Adrift. When you log in for the first time, you're greeted with an invitation to enjoy the journey -- take your time, don't rush. Why reward people for literally rushing to 50? All it's done that I can see is make people be rude to each other and argue in world chat.
I don’t think anyone “rushed” here. The game has been out for 6 - 7 months something like that. I think these folks are just the most dedicated to their chosen character , and early adopters of a game they took a chance on and loved. It’s a small team, small player base and I think they wanted to reward them for being with them from the beginning. I personally think it’s an awesome sentiment and is the right step in making a cohesive community between developers and players… My opinion.