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Embers Adrift

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Stormhaven Studios
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SUMMER EVENT - JULY 12, 13, 14

Dear Community,
We are celebrating the SUMMER together during this weekend, with special GM events and rewards, some fun social events, and many unplanned activities!
If you have not played Embers Adrift for a long time it will be the ideal time to come back and catch up with the community and everything we have added to the game.
If you have never tried Embers Adrift, we do have a FREE TRIAL unlimited in time. Try the game this weekend, and see how you like it! If you enjoy it and want to support us by purchasing the game, we may even have a nice discount for you!
Bring your friends, bring your communities, and let’s enjoy Embers Adrift this weekend & beyond

  • 12pm CDT (7pm CEST): WELCOME PARTY (stream: www.twitch.tv/elloawendy)
  • 1pm CDT (8pm CEST)- 4pm CDT (11pm CEST): New players group (stream elloawendy)
  • 5pm CDT (midnight CEST) GM event in NewHaven Valley

  • 8am CDT (3pm CEST) - 11am(6pm): New players group (stream elloawendy)
  • 12pm CDT (7pm CEST): GM event in Northreach
  • 2pm CDT (9pm CEST): Social event MONOLITH TOUR
  • 5pm CDT (midnight CEST) GM event in Meadowlands

  • 12 pm CDT (7pm CEST): GM event in Northreach
  • 2pm CDT (9pm CEST): TRADE FAIR in Newhaven City + Hide&Seek + Dice Duel challenge
  • 5pm CDT (midnight CEST) GM event in Meadowlands
  • 6pm CDT (1am CEST) PVP TOURNAMENT in the PROVING GROUNDS (organised by Genrah_The_Gray)
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Thank you! It is corrected. First number is Central Americain time (CDT), second is Central European time (CEST)
First post UPDATED with this event

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Genrah is organising our very first TOURNAMENT in the PROVING GROUNDS
Face other drifters and prove your valour in combat!

- Sunday at 6pm CDT (1am CET)
- Gather at the Proving ground, NewHaven Valley
- Sign up this form, so Genrah can organise
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SUMMER EVENT - AUGUST 16 - 17 - 18

Dear Community,
We are celebrating the SUMMER together during this weekend, with special GM events and rewards, some fun social events, and many unplanned activities!
Take part of our GM events and earn our new currencies BLOOP to purchase special cosmetic merchandise from our shady merchant Marta Merrigold in Newhaven City
If you have not played Embers Adrift for a long time it will be the ideal time to come back and catch up with the community and everything we have added to the game.
If you have never tried Embers Adrift, we do have a FREE TRIAL unlimited in time. Try the game this weekend, and see how you like it! If you enjoy it and want to support us by purchasing the game, the game is discounted at $ 9.99 (taxes not included)
Bring your friends, bring your communities, and let’s enjoy Embers Adrift this weekend & beyond

  • 12pm (7pm): WELCOME PARTY with content creators (stream: www.twitch.tv/elloawendy)
  • 2pm (9pm): GM event
  • 5pm (midnight) GM event

  • 8am (3pm) - 11am(6pm): New players group (stream: www.twitch.tv/elloawendy)
  • 2pm (9pm): GM event
  • 5pm (midnight) GM event

  • 2pm (9pm): GM event
  • 5pm (midnight) GM event
  • 6pm (1am) Proving Ground Tournament by Genrah
SURPRISE (UNPLANED) GM EVENTS & SOCIAL EVENTS may occur anytime during the weekend. Stay on your toes, and pay attention to the Global Warning & Discord
CONTENT CREATORS & STREAMS through the weekend. Be sure to follow them all, say hi and spread the Embers Adrift love!
