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Suggestion - Placeholder Phantom Items in Bags, Banks, etc.


New Member
I organize my bags and banks.

When I open the bank and right-click something in my bag, it automatically transfers to the bank, and automatically stacks onto any existing stacks.

I suggest leaving a Phantom Placeholder Item (PPI) in a bag or bank slot whenever that slot is emptied. For example, if I have a stack of 75 Newhaven Copper Ore in the bottom-left corner of my Gathering bag, and I right-click that stack while my bank is open, I suggest leaving a greyed out icon of the ore, with a Count of 0, in the Gathering bag. Then, when I go out and gather more ore, it will automatically go into that bottom-left slot in the Gathering bag.

Alternatively, could we get a keybind or a toggle option that automatically leaves behind one item whenever we right-click to transfer?