Blyte Plays
Well-Known Member
For the Warden:
1. As they level up, allow them to target monsters at greater distances, for scouting identification. "Legolas what do your elf eyes see?" This is in line with them being the "utility striker"
2. Make Lay of the Land increase with level. They should get better at orienteering others as guides, as they get more seasoned.
3. Ability, "Hawk companion". Operates as an ability, and basically sicks a bird on someone, which debufs the monster with a moderate hit penalty. The bird has no HP and is untargettable, and lasts for a fixed duration and range, flying off when the duration expires. Then it returns to the wearers shoulder, when the cooldown is refreshed. Only warden with the ability on their bar, get the bird graphic.
For the Brigand:
Let crouch drastically reduce their enemy detection, and if they break LOS and crouch, they drop aggro, and monsters turn investigating instead of aggressive.
For the Beserker:
War Runes passive ability. Slot this ability to passively gain parry and physical damage resistance, scaling with ability rank.
1. Give a 15% movement increase on roads, which doesnt stack with LotL. Roads should inherently give a movement bonus greater than travel over cross country. LotL, should offset the penalties traveling cross country would apply.
2. Ashen monsters should give set amounts of ember, regardless of relative con. It just makes no sense, that as a monster gets easier, I can garner less harvest from it, in anything other than experience. I feel lvl 1-10 ashen should give 3 ash, 11-20 5 ash, etc... and each ^ raise above 1 the monster has, should add 2 ember.
3. We need a few intra-zone ponies to ride for a fee, between a few POIs in huge zones like meadows and dryfoot.
4. Please allow us to craft, quest for, etc, more back pack space. Simply make a slot on our paper doll, similar to where the torch slot resides, and allow us to upgrade the starter back pack, for packs with more space.
5. Give us an augment bag. There are so many kinds, and so little back pack space.
6. Give hunting XP, which scales with the level of the monster we are skinning, and not the tier of the carcass. It would help quite a bit. Skinning is so much harder to level up, than forestry, and this would go a great deal to offset that.
7. Meadowlands level 20 wolves should drop upgraded versions of their previous weapons. The level 10 backbiter dagger dropping off a level 20+ monster was an underwhelming reward.
8. Tripple up longbow exiles are probably one of the worst things in the game, in it's current form. Give tanks heavy xbow PLEASE. It's pure misery dealing with these, even in seasoned parties.
9. The knuckle duster weapon looks interesting, but I feel it should have some kind of frontal positional bonus. Looking forward to seeing more in game, but even a simple +3 DMG frontal would go a long way to make them striker role viable. I was seriously considering them as a reward for soloing or duoing, when I need to tank and dps, with a healer, but it's just too much +flanking down the drain with no positional bonus. It seems shortswords are a better option for frontal striking, as is. But I'm hopeful with other armor weight options in the future, I can build a dual knuckle duster tanky beserker set one day.
10. Tanks need something to add more threat, in the increasing trend of strikers stacking more and more damage. The current trend has them falling behind the race. Alternatively striker gear could have -threat built in, as an alternative set, to the current +penetration gear out there.
1. As they level up, allow them to target monsters at greater distances, for scouting identification. "Legolas what do your elf eyes see?" This is in line with them being the "utility striker"
2. Make Lay of the Land increase with level. They should get better at orienteering others as guides, as they get more seasoned.
3. Ability, "Hawk companion". Operates as an ability, and basically sicks a bird on someone, which debufs the monster with a moderate hit penalty. The bird has no HP and is untargettable, and lasts for a fixed duration and range, flying off when the duration expires. Then it returns to the wearers shoulder, when the cooldown is refreshed. Only warden with the ability on their bar, get the bird graphic.
For the Brigand:
Let crouch drastically reduce their enemy detection, and if they break LOS and crouch, they drop aggro, and monsters turn investigating instead of aggressive.
For the Beserker:
War Runes passive ability. Slot this ability to passively gain parry and physical damage resistance, scaling with ability rank.
1. Give a 15% movement increase on roads, which doesnt stack with LotL. Roads should inherently give a movement bonus greater than travel over cross country. LotL, should offset the penalties traveling cross country would apply.
2. Ashen monsters should give set amounts of ember, regardless of relative con. It just makes no sense, that as a monster gets easier, I can garner less harvest from it, in anything other than experience. I feel lvl 1-10 ashen should give 3 ash, 11-20 5 ash, etc... and each ^ raise above 1 the monster has, should add 2 ember.
3. We need a few intra-zone ponies to ride for a fee, between a few POIs in huge zones like meadows and dryfoot.
4. Please allow us to craft, quest for, etc, more back pack space. Simply make a slot on our paper doll, similar to where the torch slot resides, and allow us to upgrade the starter back pack, for packs with more space.
5. Give us an augment bag. There are so many kinds, and so little back pack space.
6. Give hunting XP, which scales with the level of the monster we are skinning, and not the tier of the carcass. It would help quite a bit. Skinning is so much harder to level up, than forestry, and this would go a great deal to offset that.
7. Meadowlands level 20 wolves should drop upgraded versions of their previous weapons. The level 10 backbiter dagger dropping off a level 20+ monster was an underwhelming reward.
8. Tripple up longbow exiles are probably one of the worst things in the game, in it's current form. Give tanks heavy xbow PLEASE. It's pure misery dealing with these, even in seasoned parties.
9. The knuckle duster weapon looks interesting, but I feel it should have some kind of frontal positional bonus. Looking forward to seeing more in game, but even a simple +3 DMG frontal would go a long way to make them striker role viable. I was seriously considering them as a reward for soloing or duoing, when I need to tank and dps, with a healer, but it's just too much +flanking down the drain with no positional bonus. It seems shortswords are a better option for frontal striking, as is. But I'm hopeful with other armor weight options in the future, I can build a dual knuckle duster tanky beserker set one day.
10. Tanks need something to add more threat, in the increasing trend of strikers stacking more and more damage. The current trend has them falling behind the race. Alternatively striker gear could have -threat built in, as an alternative set, to the current +penetration gear out there.