Hey community!
We are doing it again! We have gathered a team of devs and content creators to explore the new content of our Patch Shrieks in the Deep. Let's discover Grimstone Canyon and Forgotten Depth PH2! Each streamer will have a giveaway to offer through the event (a copy of the game OR a month of sub), so be sure to pop in every channels and take your chance!
SATURDAY 29th of APRIL at 2PM CDT (8pm CET)
Check out:
Nathan Napalm on Youtube
Sparoh on Youtube (video later)
Leveluplarry on Twitch
Alice Bluu on Twitch
MorrolanTV on Twitch
Elloa on Twitch
The event will last 2 hours! Be sure to join this multiple stream show and to invite all your friends to discover our new content!
Many thanks!