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State of the Game: Summer Celebration Part 2!


Executive Producer
Stormhaven Studios

State of the Game: Summer Celebration Part 2!

Come join us for our closing Summer Celebration with a huge discount on the game down to $9.99 (tax not included) and Live GM Events. We will be introducing our new Event Reward System. Pick Embers Adrift up at a great price that allows you to play the game with or without the optional subscription HERE. Or you can try our free trial (see instructions at the bottom of this newsletter).

We have the July recap coming below. Check out the "New Stuff" section below for the July updates. Keep an eye out for more details coming later this week on the Event Schedule.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about Embers Adrift it is a challenge-driven MMORPG where players can experience 1000+ hours of entertainment on a single character. With quests that have multiple outcomes, hundreds of rare mobs and thousands of rare/quest items, and a steady stream of new content coming out on a steady schedule. It’s never been easier to find long-term entertainment at a great price. AND, you can try it for free. Check out the instructions at the end of the newsletter for details.

If you are interested in supporting indie dev studios you can support us by buying the game HERE for yourself or for a friend, and maintaining our optional subscription as time goes on. You can also purchase a month of subscription perks for your friends who may not have an active subscription. We also have a MERCH SHOP and a SOUNDTRACK if you'd like to support us in other ways.

As a small company trying to go against the grain by not focusing on maximum monetization of our player-base we want to say a huge thank you to our subscribers, your support is very much appreciated!

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New Stuff:

We've got more new quests, we've got faster load times, we've got improved trees, chat window improvements, and the big one is our Event Reward System.

New Quests:

- The Dark Heart of the Depths is an intriguing quest for levels 25+. It involved making contact with a well known entity that has remained elusive until now. Enjoy all the lore and surprises that await those who venture froth on this journey.

- Salvaging the Salvage Operation has choices, so many choices. Another fun branching quest that has multiple outcomes for our avid players.

Loading Improvements:

Previously, there were some players who experienced rather long loading screen times. I'm happy to report that we tracked down the issue and now loading times for all have been drastically reduced.

Trees and more:

We've been steadily working on improving our scenes. One of the reasons being that we want to introduce more weather effects, but this takes a lot of time to go through all the assets and prep them for weatherization. One of the first things on the list that has been a thorn in our side as we go through our scenes is tree billboards in the distance. We now have greatly improved their visuals and added a toggle for you to help with adjusting performance for your system. Enjoy the new sights!

Chat Window Improvements:

We have greatly improved the functionality of our chat windows. You can now drag tabs off a window to create a new window, swap a tab from one window to the other, rearrange tabs within windows, and destroy tabs and windows. We've also added a new message button in chat windows to assist you in getting back to the most recent message if you've scrolled up to inspect an item or read a message you missed.

GM Event Reward System:

One of the pain points we encountered in running GM Events in the past was how to properly reward all players who participated in the event. Most were happy for the experience itself, but participating in custom GM Events is much more fun if you get unique rewards as well. We have introduced Bloops as an account wide currency that players can obtain by participating in GM run events. These Bloops can be used to buy special items from Marta Merrigold in Newhaven City. Just don't ask her where she gets the stuff... This will likely result in GMs running custom events more frequently.

Celebration Event:

Don't forget to log in this weekend to participate in these GM Events and get your Bloops. Invite new players to join as they can try Embers Adrift for free and the game is discounted down to $9.99 (tax not included) for the weekend. We are looking forward to seeing you there and introducing you to all the new features and improvements we've made so far this year. The Roadmap is getting quite small as we knock off item after item.

Stay tuned to see what comes next! Keep an eye on our socials, discord, and the forums to get the updates about what we have in store for you this weekend.

You can find the patch notes HERE.

As we iterate from patch to patch, adjusting current content and adding new content, we are asking our community to keep the feedback coming and to please be patient with us as we make adjustments. Thank you all!
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We are working very hard to keep crafting Embers Adrift into the best classically inspired MMORPG in the genre. Support our indie dev team as we grow the world together with our community of players from over 70 countries globally!
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Stay tuned into our YouTube channel, our TWITTER, and our DISCORD server for info about our new content and latest news. You can also take a look at our patch notes on the Embers Adrift forums.

Free Trial:

Come and join our Free to Play Trial in Embers Adrift! Play as long as you want in our Trial Areas and see how our MMORPG brings classic MMORPG style into the modern MMO market. Don’t forget to get a group and head into the Central Veins dungeon for a memorable experience!

In our unique fantasy world you can experience a brand new adventure in a totally new world of discovery and still have the familiar feelings of older MMORPGs you may have played before. Our magic system, called Alchemy, is not just accessible to one or two classes, but all players get access to the magic system as they level up. choose from 3 classic archetypes (tank, DPS, and support), and then 9 specializations branching from those at level 6!

Our friendly and helpful community is waiting for you! Come and see how different our community is compared to other communities you may have experienced.

Instructions on joining the game:
First go to the forums and make an account: https://forums.embersadrift.com/index.php
Once you register an account and confirm your email, head to the account page: https://www.embersadrift.com/Account
Then, once logged in and on your account page, please scroll down and select a client to download, shown below:
We also have an experimental LINUX client that can be found here: https://forums.embersadrift.com/index.php?threads/native-linux-client-experimental.3983/
