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QA September 20th


Stormhaven Studios
  • Updated Skybox shaders to fix some graphical anomalies (especially on macOS).
  • Fixed level 38 alchemy quillback spines damage
  • Added set bonus for Seeker inner armor
  • Fixed POI naming for new redshore location
  • Adjusted redmane pathing in Grimstone Canyon.
  • Update zone line icons on Redshore map
  • Add location, level, and role to visible character minimal nameplates.
  • Fixed stuck spots in Dryfoot, Dryfoot Stronghold, Grimstone Canyon, Newhaven Valley, Newhaven City, Redshore
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- I assume these numbers are correct, not sure

- 2 of the 3 zone icons on the redshore map don't seem to trigger the mouseOver event

- POI naming seems ok
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