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QA September 20th, 2023


Stormhaven Studios
  • More back-end alchemy work.
  • Fixed a bug with instant executions that was causing some animations to not play.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow skills to bypass the global cooldown in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing players to get stuck in a sitting animation if they looted while sitting. You will now return to an idle stand if you were sitting and looted.
  • Fixed a bug with Ashen creatures not properly having aggro when spawned.
  • Weapons and Ember Stone are now hidden while in first person mode when weapons are sheathed.
  • Fixed a bug with instant executions that was causing some animations to not play.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow skills to bypass the global cooldown in some situations.

This feels very different on my warden, had a lot of trouble determining exactly what was different, but attack cadence felt significantly slower.