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Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

is this feedback?
So why do mobs even de-leash at all? With that philosophy they shouldn't; they should chase you forever.
To me there's a huge difference between being able to successfully run away vs. jumping into the water to reset the fight any time it doesn't go your way. One requires situational awareness while the other simply requires you to fight next to a body of water.

That was the point of this thread, it contradicts you own loading screen Tip of "Running away is always a valid option". Maybe you should change it to "Running away is sometimes a valid option (but we try our best to prevent that)".
The point of this thread was to get us to change or remove this loading tip no? As I mentioned above was done.

IMO it makes total sense that some mobs can't swim and stop chasing you there. Maybe lingering on the shore for a few seconds (while being invulnerable), then healing and resetting.
Mobs not being able to swim is typically just a limitation of our team not having an animator. As I've mentioned multiple times in this thread the "Undone's Wrath" mechanic was never meant to be commonplace. It was meant to prevent exploitation of areas with nav mesh issues. It just so happens that this applied to mobs that could not swim - which was not really a huge point of contention until it was brought up in this thread. Next patch this should be mostly resolved as I made another pass at swim parameters for a number of mobs.