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Role/Subclass Selection


New Member
After some careful deliberation, I decided to pull the trigger and purchase the game. Given the current landscape of "old school" MMOs, there isn't much else for me to look forward to, so I made the executive decision to spend my allowance. From what little I've done with it, the game works great. The UI scaling makes things better for me, without making it hard to fit on the screen. Only "problem I have is the tutorial popups. They are being cut off because I upped the scale. If that's the only problem I end up having, It's just about perfect!

The biggest question on my mind now is: What character should I, or could I, play?
I was sold on this game mostly on the combat speed and design aspects. I want a slow-paced game, and even current tab target games are getting a bit fast or cumbersome for me. Embers Adrift having limited hot bars is a Godsend. I have concerns for the for future because as the level cap goes up, so does the number of abilities, generally speaking. This may not be a route the game takes, but it's still on my mind.
Anyway, I generally look for the "easiest" or "most boring" class. At least that's generally how the community feels about them. I struggle with plate spinning and am generally bad at buff/debuff uptime. I like simple and predictable gameplay. I'm here for other reasons aside from mechanical complexity. My focus is more on the encounter, rather than my class. I am more than happy to sit back and cast "fireball" over and over again. I currently play a healbot on Project 1999 and I'm loving it. People like having me around, and playing a cleric is not hard at all.

I haven't found a lot of information on the subclasses in this game, but from what I've found, it's leading me towards striker/berserker. I don't know how accurate my assessment is, which is why I came here. The game seems balanced so that everyone is "needed" so I'm mostly looking for the character that fits me. Since I only have one slot, I'd like to get it right the first time. If any experienced players want to offer some advice, I'm all ears!
As I was reading through your post berserker came to mind.

Warlord might be a good option also, you heal but you are often not the main healer, but you also throw out partywide stamina and heal buffs.
You can find a brief description of all the roles here https://www.embersadrift.com/Roles
If you want to check the different skills of the roles and subclasses I think you can check here https://embersadriftguide.github.io , it should allow you to click on navigate to the roles and subclasses to see the description of their skills as well as weapon they can use.

I'm not experienced, but I agree that striker or warlord may be a good choice for you. Also when you reach level 6 you can have some fun asking your roles trainer to explain the different between subclasses... that could help a lot :D
I agree that Berserker is probably what you are looking for. Interestingly enough I see groups looking for damage dealers (Strikers) all the time. This is especially true in the upper teens to mid 20's it seems. At any rate Berserkers are straight forward damage dealers and they do the job well.
Thanks for all the helpful tips and info. I'm going to start leveling a striker. I do think the Berserker playstyle may suit me. The two "phases" were easy enough for me to wrap my head around, and there isn't much else mechanically to worry about.