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Progression needs some love


Active Member
While I haven't had an opportunity to explore crafting and harvesting too much, even in the lower levels it's becoming very apparent that if I want my harvesting / crafting to keep up with my adventuring, I'm going to have to spend more time crafting and harvesting than I do actually adventuring. I find myself gravitating more towards solo play for most of that adventuring time, simply because I need to horde the resources for myself in hopes of getting as much exp as possible.

The systems themselves seem alright, but I think some tweaking of the exp received or needed to level should be adjusted, otherwise it's going to serve as a frustrating bottleneck for most of the game.
See I have the opposite problem. My gathering out pacing my base level because I suck at grinding mobs. Think it really comes down to play style and being in right place when things spawn. There is definitely room for improvement though.
See I have the opposite problem. My gathering out pacing my base level because I suck at grinding mobs. Think it really comes down to play style and being in right place when things spawn. There is definitely room for improvement though.
This may have more to do with the type of gathering; for example, hunting requires (as far as I know) that you kill mobs to harvest them, so the xp balance is always a little out of whack, at least for me. Again though, I haven't played this all the way till 50 so I'm not sure what it looks like later on, only that it's a bit frustrating to keep them balanced as of now.
My experience of a flow is basically finding a decent loop through the woods where I know nodes appear - generally speaking the mobs outweigh the nodes for sure. At first glance the progression of the harvesting skills seem lack luster in comparison to the base level, but when the processing experience of those harvested goods is calculated back in it seems to even out. It's still a little slanted towards base level exp though.

Which is alright, I think there's probably some decent incentive then to devote some time to gathering in order to make it through the bottlenecks. That kind of frustration can weed out the competitors, gathering and crafting appear to be a very conscious decision one has to make.. which can make the experience frustrating when you want to focus on one or the other.

All in all I'd say I don't have enough information just yet to be able conclude anything.. we'll have to see how it all slows down as the levels progress.