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Bug Ok ... You Broke Something ... or Worse, Changed It :|

is this a bug?


First, let me preface this post by saying that I don't see any patch notes for the maintenance update today. Furthermore, my client didn't perform any sort of update, which hasn't happened before and seems unusual.

What gives?

Now to the issue I've observed.

Prior to the update, Wind Up and Eye of the Storm when activated would both appear in the buff/status bar. After the update, the last one that is activated overwrites the other. I only discovered this because I noticed a difference in the efficacy of these skills after the patch today and began wondering why.

This seems like it might be related to changes that were introduced in a previous patch and I'm guessing you're tinkering with that code some more. So, the impact of whatever changes were just deployed probably go beyond these 2 skills.
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I am not seeing the stacking issue between Guts and Eye of the Storm and it should still stack. A few questions if you don't mind to help track this down.

What level is your character?
Are you using an Alchemy version of either ability at the time of observing the issue?
Do you have any other buffs active at that time?
What level is your character?
Are you using an Alchemy version of either ability at the time of observing the issue?
Do you have any other buffs active at that time?

1. Level 40
2. No. I did not test whether alchemy had any effect on this, but I did log out and back in to see if it was some odd glitch. It had no effect.
3. I had food and stamina regen at the time. I tried it again just now without any buffs at all, and the issue persists.
Just a quick follow up. I wrote GUTS in the problem description when I meant WIND UP. Apologies for the brain lapse.

Additionally, I did do a quick test with Alchemy, and it does stack like before when using the alchemy version of Wind Up but not the alchemy version of Eye of the Storm.
Ah, that makes more sense. Wind Up and Eye of the Storm do not stack as both are buffs of type Outgoing Damage. Nothing changed here recently as far as I know and it is intentional that they do not stack.

I'm not sure how they were stacking for you prior. This is something that was stacking for you earlier this week?
It was stacking prior to today's update. I'm not sure how you reconcile the differences either.

Wind Up is a dmg only buff. Eye of the Storm has three different effects on it. So in its current form, a lower dmg buff (+25 from EotS) is cancelling a higher one (+40 from WU).

Not sure why they wouldn't stack anymore, especially since you're still paying the cost in stamina as well as Cool Down. Net effect is going big for less time versus going smaller over a longer period. Why gate that artificially when the cost mechanisms are all there?
This is not specific to these abilities. We don't allow stacking buffs from the same type (Ability) and source (Self) which increase the same attributes (Outgoing Damage).
It was stacking prior to today's update. I'm not sure how you reconcile the differences either.
FYI there were no changes today for either the client or the server. Both are using the same executables and code paths as before maintenance.
Very strange because it was working differently right up till that morning. I was testing these skills so I was actively watching the status bar. FWIW.