Today's hot fix is an optional client-only patch to address a number of UI issues.
Next Tuesday there will be a server hot fix to address a number of other identified issues. This includes:
- Alchemy tooltips will now only show in the Skills UI when hovering over I/II bubbles.
- If an ability has no cooldown then it will show "No Cooldown". This also fixes issues where the 2m/10m Alchemy cooldown was not being shown on these abilities' tooltips.
- Fixed an issue with Screen Alchemy II not showing the proper targeting information.
- Fixed an issue where First Aid Alchemy II tooltip was showing 100 Health instead of 100% Health
- Fixed threat over time showing as negative threat.
- Fixed Alchemy I/II tooltips not showing for abilities that you are not high enough level for.
- Fixed Alchemy I/II descriptions on Fading Strike
- Fixed an issue where Alchemy tooltips could get "stuck" when moving between the I/II bubbles and the main ability in the Skills UI
- Fixed a number of stuck spots and seams in Dryfoot, Highlands, Newhaven City, and Crawling Burrows.
Next Tuesday there will be a server hot fix to address a number of other identified issues. This includes:
- Scavanger ant going ashen
- No Time To Die Alchemy II not including a damage shield
- Debuff on Viperid Alchemy I missing
- more tweaks/adjustments to come as we identify them
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