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New Player - Everquest Veteran

I was watching a video on the Pantheon leak this morning, and the content creator mentioned this game.

I looked it up - watched a few videos on the classes and mechanics - and instantly fell in love. Purchased the game and a sub - eagerly awaiting work to end to try this out.

Being completely new - how's the population here? Will I have a tough time leveling a brigand (a rogue + enchanter?! best class ever???) or will I have a very hard time because of low pop issues?
Hey, welcome!

I don't know actual numbers of players. I'm not sure that's shared with the public. However, there's been a lot of new players joining for the free trial event, and having joined about a week ago myself, I've had no issues finding groups for activities. Then again, I also joined with friends so I may not have the best perspective on this.

I think it may also depend on your level. Judging from the LFG requests in-game, there seems to be a harder time finding groups as you approach level 20. I'm not there yet myself, but it makes sense that player numbers will shrink at higher levels. Only those who stick around level up.

TLDR - you'll probably be OK with the player count right now.

p.s. One of the extra nice things about this game is that the community manager often hosts group events in game for different levels. If nothing else, that's a nice way to experience group activity you might otherwise be unable to do, should your schedule line up with hers.
Hey, welcome!

I don't know actual numbers of players. I'm not sure that's shared with the public. However, there's been a lot of new players joining for the free trial event, and having joined about a week ago myself, I've had no issues finding groups for activities. Then again, I also joined with friends so I may not have the best perspective on this.

I think it may also depend on your level. Judging from the LFG requests in-game, there seems to be a harder time finding groups as you approach level 20. I'm not there yet myself, but it makes sense that player numbers will shrink at higher levels. Only those who stick around level up.

TLDR - you'll probably be OK with the player count right now.

p.s. One of the extra nice things about this game is that the community manager often hosts group events in game for different levels. If nothing else, that's a nice way to experience group activity you might otherwise be unable to do, should your schedule line up with hers.
Good to know!

With the Alchemy/Magic system coming on Halloween - it feels like a great time to jump in and get a feel for this game.

How are dropped items handled? Similar system to EQ? Mobs with loot tables with % drops? I hope so! - best loot system ever made!
Be aware that there is also the GEL system; a level scaling system to allow groups to flex up or down* on member levels. So shop wider than your level range.

*I think?
How are dropped items handled? Similar system to EQ? Mobs with loot tables with % drops? I hope so! - best loot system ever made!
Yes, that's correct. And there's a looting system for groups that uses d100 rolls on each item to assign winners, so you never have to worry about loot ninjas running off with the rewards.

Also, just a word of caution. Beware of wolves. :)
Yes, that's correct. And there's a looting system for groups that uses d100 rolls on each item to assign winners, so you never have to worry about loot ninjas running off with the rewards.

Also, just a word of caution. Beware of wolves. :)
Unless they've changed it since I last played, the game uses a "Need" or "Greed" system for group looting, which does give players the ability to loot snipe using the "Need" function when they don't actually need the item. I saw it happen in several groups I was in when I was playing. People will sometimes just roll Need on everything. I wanted to clarify that there is a potential for loot sniping, though I doubt it's a widespread issue these days now that the population has settled in and most people still playing understand the system and probably use it as it's intended. But the potential is there all the same.
Hey Eclipse! Welcome to the game. It's nice that you're here.

It's a great time to start playing the game. There are a hell of a lot of players online, especially because of the Free to Play event.
I myself joined 3-5 days before the event. There wasn't that much going on there. However, you can always find someone to play with who helps...or who you can help.
To be honest, my experience wasn't all that different than with many players. Of course it's nicer and there aren't that many times when hardly anyone is there.

I can only advise every new player to communicate a lot. As soon as I understood how the game worked, I just started writing to people who were in the group search. I simply ask what they are doing and join in or make suggestions.

But as an old Everquest veteran you know how things go. Welcome Home :)