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Nautilus, Quoetzl and Gordak, our first max level!


Stormhaven Studios

It happened! After several months of intense playing, someone reached level 50! On February 2nd, the Warlord, Nautilus, was the first player to reach max level. In Embers Adrift such an achievement can’t be accomplished alone, Quoetzl (Knight) and Gordack (Berserker) followed the trail of their friend and reached max level on the 5th of February. The community was keeping an eye on these dedicated players, cheering them on as they worked to achieve the goal of max level. Being the first of their specializations (classes) to reach max level they are awarded the titles “High Warlord,” “High Knight,” and “High Berserker,” in recognition of their achievements.

That leaves 6 different titles to be earned by the community: High Warden, High Brigand, High Duelist, High Sentinel, High Marshal and High Juggernaut.

At Stormhaven Studio, we did not design Embers Adrift to be rushed through; we counter that design by encouraging exploration and offering a slower pace of gameplay where community becomes a major part of the game itself. We aren’t offering these titles to pressure players to rush through their experience, but simply to acknowledge and celebrate such an achievement and such dedication to our game. It is a historical moment in the history of our game and we have always said there will be developer involvement in the life of our game and these types of moments seem to be the appropriate time to be celebrating with the community.

It has been amazing to follow the progression of our players since the release of the game. In Embers Adrift the journey to max level requires patience and persistence. It is not something that can be achieved in a few days or weeks and is even more difficult to do alone (though it can be done). It requires several months of dedicated play time and making friends along the way speeds up the process! Congratulations to Nautilus, Quoetzl and Gordack! Here is what they had to say about their experience on the road to level 50:

Embers was an incredibly unique and entertaining journey that fulfilled the classic MMO itch,” said Nautilus. “The community has many friendly and like-minded individuals which really enhanced the experience. The solo, small group(2-3), or large group(4-6) formats allowed us to weave in and out of different sized groups along the way while enjoying the game in many different ways. Exploration was one of my favorite aspects of the game. Identifying new points of interests, named mobs, or experience locations kept me pushing for the next zone over and over again. Pushing to the forefront of the level range allowed me to keep our exploration unspoiled which was a major factor of my playstyle and mentality. Playing a new classic MMO and learning the zones ourselves was one of the most fun things I have done in a very long time in my gaming history. I look forward to continuing playing Embers and exploring the new zones, quest, and lore as they are introduced in the future.

I had a great time leveling to 50,” adds Quoetzl. “One of the main strengths of the game and where it really shines is group play so I made it a point all along the way to try and find people to adventure with. This has probably been the most challenging game to level to the cap out of any games that I have ever played but also the most rewarding. Being first and ahead of everyone is unique because there's no Wiki, no one to ask or tell you how to do something or what is there. You get to explore and learn everything! I can't wait for all the new adventures as Embers Adrift continues to grow and grow.”

This is a moment to celebrate together as a community. Our max level players pushed the limits of dedication and persistence. Now we are patiently witnessing the next wave of players to approach max level!

  • Elloa
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