Well-Known Member
Warning: Please don't tell me in wrong, because this is my perception and my opinion.
But please feel free to add yours.
(Edited 4th March 2024)
S-Tier: Lineage2, Darkfall, Embers Adrift
A-Tier: Lotro, World of Warcraft
B-Tier: Ultima Online, New World, GW2, ESO, Albion Online, Mortal Online 1, Mortal Online 2, Secret World, Warframe, Lost Ark, Tera, Age of Conan
C-Tier: Black Desert Online, Archeage, FFXIV, Rift, Fallout 76, Book of Travels
ZZ-Tier: Aion, Bless Unleashed
The tiers explained
S-Tier - I want to play now, in the format of when it was at its best
A-Tier - I would play again (or still do)
B-Tier - Its well done but has flaws
C-Tier - Yeh Nah, too many reasons not to play
ZZ-Tier - Surprised I even remember it
Lineage2 - Loved the itemisation, economy, guilds, sieges. I was fortunate enough to start a guild, turn it into an alliance, successfully siege a castle, and as alliance leader with a land holding fly a dragon around. Great class definitions, grouping similar to Embers. World bosses that dropped the best loot, and if a stronger group attacked you while you were killing it could take the boss. The best "red" system I've ever seen.
Darkfall - You log in and boom, you never know what's about to happen. Full loot pvp, territory control, immersive, you made friends or you died.
Embers Adrift - Well you know, and you can probably see by my other S-tiers why it's become my new home.
Lotro - first read the books in Year 12 a long time ago, if I ever read them again, it will be through the eyes of this beautifully put together world. Great communities. Has its flaws but I still play 1 or 2 nights a week with old friends.
Ultima Online - My first, Monday night pvp tournaments in a guildies home (fashioned as a pvp arena), wednesday night guild hunts, champion spawns, great community, housing, skill based builds, at the time it felt like home.
New World - very nearly A-tier, if they had a PvP server per region it may even be S-tier to me, but it feels like its all about the gear, I did the first seasonal content, but didn't enjoy it
World of Warcraft - almost A tier, at the time the raiding made it my favourite game, but never had that real immersion
GW2 - our Lotro crew played for a while, again well made but just didn't grab me
ESO - looks good, just didn't grab me, felt like busy work, beautifully put together though
Albion Online - top down doesn't grab me so much, never joined a community so probably a bit unfair, just too low poly for me
Mortal Online 1 - a very unpolished diamond
Mortal Online 2 - Immersive in a Darkfall way.
Secret World - loved the storytelling
Warframe - I'm not a shooter player, enjoyed it with my son, its well done, but not for me
Lost Ark - great initial story, the endgame lost me very quickly
Tera - my first action combat MMO
Age of Conan - loved it for a while but while Tortage and the early game was magnificent, the game 15+ was much less interesting.
Yes I know what a shill this sounds like, but I've been very fortunate to try many games over my life, and feel very happy to have one now that I love.
Thank you to everyone that has made it fun for me, and especially thank you to Stormhaven for making this game, being steadfast to your vision for it but still keeping an open mind for changes.
I can't believe I played until 3:30am last night lol.
Doing so has triggered this thank you (and possibly some suggestions for the future
To anyone that got to the end of this post, cheers.
But please feel free to add yours.
(Edited 4th March 2024)
S-Tier: Lineage2, Darkfall, Embers Adrift
A-Tier: Lotro, World of Warcraft
B-Tier: Ultima Online, New World, GW2, ESO, Albion Online, Mortal Online 1, Mortal Online 2, Secret World, Warframe, Lost Ark, Tera, Age of Conan
C-Tier: Black Desert Online, Archeage, FFXIV, Rift, Fallout 76, Book of Travels
ZZ-Tier: Aion, Bless Unleashed
The tiers explained
S-Tier - I want to play now, in the format of when it was at its best
A-Tier - I would play again (or still do)
B-Tier - Its well done but has flaws
C-Tier - Yeh Nah, too many reasons not to play
ZZ-Tier - Surprised I even remember it
Lineage2 - Loved the itemisation, economy, guilds, sieges. I was fortunate enough to start a guild, turn it into an alliance, successfully siege a castle, and as alliance leader with a land holding fly a dragon around. Great class definitions, grouping similar to Embers. World bosses that dropped the best loot, and if a stronger group attacked you while you were killing it could take the boss. The best "red" system I've ever seen.
Darkfall - You log in and boom, you never know what's about to happen. Full loot pvp, territory control, immersive, you made friends or you died.
Embers Adrift - Well you know, and you can probably see by my other S-tiers why it's become my new home.
Lotro - first read the books in Year 12 a long time ago, if I ever read them again, it will be through the eyes of this beautifully put together world. Great communities. Has its flaws but I still play 1 or 2 nights a week with old friends.
Ultima Online - My first, Monday night pvp tournaments in a guildies home (fashioned as a pvp arena), wednesday night guild hunts, champion spawns, great community, housing, skill based builds, at the time it felt like home.
New World - very nearly A-tier, if they had a PvP server per region it may even be S-tier to me, but it feels like its all about the gear, I did the first seasonal content, but didn't enjoy it
World of Warcraft - almost A tier, at the time the raiding made it my favourite game, but never had that real immersion
GW2 - our Lotro crew played for a while, again well made but just didn't grab me
ESO - looks good, just didn't grab me, felt like busy work, beautifully put together though
Albion Online - top down doesn't grab me so much, never joined a community so probably a bit unfair, just too low poly for me
Mortal Online 1 - a very unpolished diamond
Mortal Online 2 - Immersive in a Darkfall way.
Secret World - loved the storytelling
Warframe - I'm not a shooter player, enjoyed it with my son, its well done, but not for me
Lost Ark - great initial story, the endgame lost me very quickly
Tera - my first action combat MMO
Age of Conan - loved it for a while but while Tortage and the early game was magnificent, the game 15+ was much less interesting.
Yes I know what a shill this sounds like, but I've been very fortunate to try many games over my life, and feel very happy to have one now that I love.
Thank you to everyone that has made it fun for me, and especially thank you to Stormhaven for making this game, being steadfast to your vision for it but still keeping an open mind for changes.
I can't believe I played until 3:30am last night lol.
Doing so has triggered this thank you (and possibly some suggestions for the future
To anyone that got to the end of this post, cheers.
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