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I asked about this and chat and was told to do CV, so I built a group and we went from East to West in CV, killed every named mob we could find, and I still did not get progress on this particular step.
Yeah, we went from East > West. I'm not positive but I think the quest you're referring to is later because some of the people in my group were looking for the three items, but those items weren't interactable for me.
Oh I'm sorry. Well I think that quest can be confusing because there are lots of different parts to it, when I was looking for those items people were doing things ahead of me as well. I really wish I could remember what you needed to do, I thought it was just going into the tunnels like it says. Sorry.
Oh I'm sorry. Well I think that quest can be confusing because there are lots of different parts to it, when I was looking for those items people were doing things ahead of me as well. I really wish I could remember what you needed to do, I thought it was just going into the tunnels like it says. Sorry.
You need to go to the bottom of the cave. Near the room where the cage is you will get the update. That is all you need to do there and then return to the lieutenant for the next part.
If you manage to find a group where they need to collect the 3 items that ends the same way, it just takes a bit longer because they need to pick up the 3 items first and then their quests will update as well and they will have to get down to the cage anyways.
One of the things that makes this quest confusing is that it isn't the same quests for everyone. After the first couple of steps you get the choice to go an look for the apprentice or talk to the guard, at this point you are choosing one of two branches in this quest. The steps and the rewards are different for each branch.