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Thank you! This map looks great! I saved a copy and marked the spots for the named prospector my group found. I don't have advanced photo editing skills so forgive breaking the lines with my copy/paste of your marker icon. I have terrible memory for names but it was "Prospector Niles" or "Neil?" "Nilles?" Perhaps someone else knows because I don't!
Central Veins dungeon in Northreach exile fort v1.0.2.png
Thank you! This map looks great! I saved a copy and marked the spots for the named prospector my group found. I don't have advanced photo editing skills so forgive breaking the lines with my copy/paste of your marker icon. I have terrible memory for names but it was "Prospector Niles" or "Neil?" "Nilles?" Perhaps someone else knows because I don't!
Have you seen those named ones there every time? Often it seems random where the named ones spawn.
I wrote Smuggler Harry there because I've seen him on that location 2 times out of 2, has anyone else seen him somehwere else?
If it's random, I could add a "generic named marker" as a hint.
Has anyone been to the location marked with "???" ? I have a theory that it may be connected to a path that leads further (around the whole dungeon on the outside and then back to the top level with the fake ladders), will be fun to explore on Friday.
I'd like to embed the photo on the wiki itself instead of linking to a forum post. I just wanted to get author permission before doing so given the warning it gives when you insert photos onto the wiki database.
These are the hubs for the dungeons I'm working on gradually.