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Feedback Map accuracy and availability

  • Thread starter Deleted member 32699
  • Start date
is this feedback?

Deleted member 32699

Navigation in Embers Adrift is difficult enough - there's no minimap, our character's position is not displayed (except when we are close to one of the few landmarks) and apart from the planets (which are often obscured by clouds) there is no compass.

So far, so hardcore.

If the navigation is so difficult, then in my opinion at least the in-game map should contain basic information - but unfortunately this is all too often missing.

A good (bad?) example of this is the north-west of the Meadowlands, i.e. the whole region north of Brookhollow.
There is not a single road on the in-game map, even though there are many - and not just tracks, but thoroughfares to Highland Hills and Redshore, real roads with movement bonuses. Even a river crossing is completely missing.

It almost seems as if the map was created at a time when the exact course of the roads and paths was unknown - and once it was known, it was simply forgotten to be added to the map.

It would be nice if the maps were supplemented with this essential information.


It would also be nice if we could not only call up the map of the region we are currently in, but also maps of other regions.
Sometimes someone asks for pointers in /help - and it would be extremely helpful to be able to quickly call up the map of Newhaven Valley, even if you are not currently in the zone.
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Meadowlands is one of the earlier zones and hence is more likely to be missing information such as what you pointed out. However, it is important to remember that these maps are artistic representations and are not meant to be 100% geographically accurate. I will pass this along to @Drindin and see if he can update the North Western roads.

And yes, expanding the map system to allow you to pull up different maps, zoom, pan, etc are all "in the queue", but it's much lower on the priority list.