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Bug Known recipes not forgotten

is this a bug?
Yes, I learned certain recipes, forgot the craft, later RE-learned the craft - and found I still had the recipes.
Not a bug, that's a feature ! (I hope :)
Whether or not it is a bug depends on whether or not it is the code doing something the developers didn't intent it to do.

Forget means to lose remembrance.

When forgetting a crafting skill you are advised to confirm you understand "You will lose all progress you have made and all associated abilities". "Progress made" may or may not include recipes learned so this lacks clarity of intent regarding this being a bug or not.

If it IS intended for all recipes to be remembered after forgetting a trade skill, then the confirmation text should be revised for more clarity. Something like "You will lose all experience and ability in this trade skill but retain knowledge of any known recipes you have learned".
And so having not received any feedback from the developers that this is in fact acting as intended, it is clear that this is a bug.

To clarify further: Unless the developers are somehow inattentive enough to not respond to and clarify that reported bugs are in fact not bugs, it would be the reasonable conclusion that this is a bug regardless of any individual player's expressed hopes or ambitions that this not be a bug.

Honestly, having to make more than one post/reply to report a bug is tedious work. Player hopes that something isn't a bug are irrelevant to determining whether or not something is a bug. Challenging something as a bug based on personal player hopes that something isn't a bug amounts to nothing less than trolling, No matter how innocuous one proposes their intent to be.

In short, it would be greatly appreciated if players would refrain from trolling bug reports based on what they personally want to prevent fixing for their own benefit.

Time is better spent making a genuine effort towards reporting bugs than towards trying to influence what bugs are reported.
Apologies for the delayed response. The message you are seeing is a generic "forget" message that you get any time you try to forget a specialization, role, or profession. When you forget a role or specialization you do indeed lose all progress made. However, when forgetting a profession you lose all progress regarding leveling up, but recipes are stored a bit differently than abilities and are never removed. This was not the original intent but we left it in as a courtesy to players if they ever wanted to swap back.
Thank you for clarifying that this is in fact an unintended bug that you have chosen not to fix as a courtesy to players. Because you have clarified that the message is "generic", I understand this to imply you cannot easily tailor the message to individually address specializations, roles and professions.

I think it is important to fully inform players as best possible the consequences of their actions.

Therefore I think it would be more appropriate to clarify this by editing the generic message to say something like, " You will lose all progress and associated abilities in any role, specialization or profession. Any recipes learned for any profession are never forgotten".

Editing the message shouldn't be difficult to do. Finding the appropriate wording may take some consideration. Hopefully my continued feedback is helpful in that regard.
QA Patch April 24

Recipes no longer show as being "known" if the player no longer has the appropriate profession and had previously known the recipe

Hmmm, changing your mind? Or will these recipes still be known if the player swaps back?
QA Patch April 24

Recipes no longer show as being "known" if the player no longer has the appropriate profession and had previously known the recipe

Hmmm, changing your mind? Or will these recipes still be known if the player swaps back?
Recipes will still be known. However, your question prompted me to do some digging and I realized some confusion might come about by seeing "Already Known" on the tooltip for a recipe of whose profession you no longer know. I am making 2 additional changes to clarify:
1) recipes will say "Previously known" instead of "Already known" if you know the recipe but no longer have the profession.
2) I will improve the text in the forget confirmation to be worded a bit differently for professions.
Hopefully those two things clear up any future confusion!