This month's QA is a bit late to the party mainly due to a lot of the content not being directly testable by the community. A lot of time was spent on tech to support non-subscribers. However, we were also able to squeeze an entire outdoor zone in, along with a few improvements to the quest log and positional indicators.
Submit feedback sooner than later as the live build will be kicked off on Friday the 23rd. Please test what you can in regards to the portable crafting station, ember ring healing bonus, emotes, portraits, etc.
June 20th:
Subscriber / Non-Subscriber Features
Display improvements to quest tasks in the log:
Positional arrow display improvements. This is what the arrows would look like for this bow.
Crafting window's new "Hide Uncraftable" and "Portable" buttons.
Bank slot visuals highlighting subscriber only slots:
Portrait selection window highlighting subscriber only portraits:
Ember Ring subscriber bonus VFX:
Portable Crafting Station:
June 22nd:
June 23rd:
Submit feedback sooner than later as the live build will be kicked off on Friday the 23rd. Please test what you can in regards to the portable crafting station, ember ring healing bonus, emotes, portraits, etc.
June 20th:
- Live characters copied to QA as of June 20th 2023.
- A new outdoor zone called Highland Hills has been added. However, this zone is only accessible by GMs for testing - I just wanted to let you all know it's in the works and has two separate sections supporting both level 20+ and 40+ players. Also includes a new set of music tracks!
- Added a number of static lore items throughout the game which can be interacted with to learn a bit more. These new items can be found in Newhaven Valley, Northreach, Central Veins, Meadowlands, and Redshore Forest.
- Added PDB files to windows clients for more robust crash log data.
- Fixed stuck spots in Newhaven Valley, Newhaven City, and Forgotten Depths.
- Fixed a number of environmental prop issues.
- Fixed: Rosefield Hauberk now requires 1 chain mesh instead of 4.
- Fixed: Watery Mire can no longer go ashen.
- Fixed: left clicking while the mouse is hidden (when holding the right mouse button) will no longer select new targets.
- Fixed: mouse wheel will no longer adjust camera zoom when the application is not in focus.
- Fixed: players can no longer zone with zero health
- Adjusted trees along zone lines in Meadowlands
- Design
- Berserker ability Guts cooldown increased from 2m to 4m
- Crafted non-imbued arrows/bolts of the same tier can now stack
- Additional dice mod reduced on Pine Counterweight Augments
- Damage Resistances from Augments reduced.
- Damage Resistances from Potions reduced.
- King's Potion now only provides offensive stats.
- UI
- Player names in group notifications now have context menu functionality when right clicking the name.
- Added a "Hide uncraftable" checkbox to the crafting window which will hide any recipes that currently cannot be made (see screenshot below).
- Updated the presentation of tasks in the quest log to better differentiate between completed and non completed steps. This includes replacing the dashes with empty and filled checkboxes, and fading out the task lines that are already completed. See the screenshot below.
- Revamped how we display positional bonuses. Instead of relying on a color scheme that can sometimes get lost in the background we are now using three separate arrows: filled, half-filled, and empty. The filled arrow will represent the weapon's highest contribution (+125% positional if present), the half-filled will represent the middle contribution (if present), while the empty arrow will represent the lowest or no contribution. After testing this out for a few days I find this method of displaying the information much more clear. See the screenshot below.
Subscriber / Non-Subscriber Features
- Five character slots are available for subscribers while non-subscribers are limited to one active character. The first time you log in without a subscription and have more than one character you will be asked to select an active character. Once this decision is made it is final until your subscription is reactivated.
- Subscribers now have an icon to the left of their name in chat.
- A new chat channel "/sub" or "/subscriber" is available for subscribers.
- The "/emotes" or "/listemotes" command show which emotes are currently known by your character. Subscriber-only emotes will be colored differently to indicate it as such. When a non-subscriber attempts to execute one of these emotes they will be notified that it is reserved for subscribers.
- Three out of the eight slots in each row of a character's bank & shared bank are restricted for non-subscribers. These slots are outlined in purple and will have an additional tooltip when not subscribed. When not subscribed items can be removed from these slots, but cannot be placed. (see screenshot below)
- Portraits for non-subscribers are now restricted to a subset of portraits in the top row of the portrait selection window. If a subscriber-only portrait is assigned when a non-subscriber character enters the world it will be reset to a blank portrait. (see screenshot below)
- Ember Rings now have enhanced healing when a subscriber is nearby. This is indicated by some additional VFX when the bonus is active (see screenshot below).
- Portable Crafting Station (see screenshot below)
- Subscribers can deploy a portable crafting station from a button within their crafting window. The cooldown on this deployment is 1hr.
- It cannot be near another portable crafting station or regular crafting station.
- Portable stations can only make some items. Mainly consumables such as arrows, bolts, potions, food, augments, and repair kits. When "Hide Uncraftable" is checked only the items that can be made at the portable crafting station will be shown.
- Portable stations will stick around as long as people are nearby. Once the area around the station has been without players for 3m it will self destruct.
Display improvements to quest tasks in the log:

Positional arrow display improvements. This is what the arrows would look like for this bow.

Crafting window's new "Hide Uncraftable" and "Portable" buttons.

Bank slot visuals highlighting subscriber only slots:

Portrait selection window highlighting subscriber only portraits:

Ember Ring subscriber bonus VFX:

Portable Crafting Station:

June 22nd:
- "Duel" moved to the bottom of the player context menu
- Fixed a rare exception that would fire off when a context menu for a player was open while they log off or zoned.
- Fixed a bug where the "item looted" notification would not show if you close the loot window very shortly after looting.
- Renamed "Leave Combat after Looting" toggle to "Sheath Weapons after Looting"
- Added "Sheath Weapons after Combat" toggle which will automatically stow your weapons when the combat icon drops.
- Added a number of toggles to the nameplate options which will allow for a greater range of customization in who you show nameplates and stat bars for.

June 23rd:
- Fixed some nav issues in Grimstone Canyon
- Fixed subscriber bank slot border. While subscribed these borders will now be much more subtle.
- Fixed title coloring to maintain its gradient.
- Adjusted name/stat bar toggle positions in the options menu
- Adjusted some prop LODs.
- Increased size of positional indicators on UI Nameplates
- Added Highland Hills to the LFG tags
- Added footstep audio for Sand, Leaves, Mud, and Gravel.
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