Since last month's QA was a bit late, we figure why not make this one a bit early? Our timeline for this month is extremely short (content deadline of July 14th) due to various factors but rest assured we are chipping away at many things!
On the docket for this month but not guaranteed:
June 29th:
Intended for the upcoming July 4th live patch:
Custom chat colors are now possible! Currently this is done via JSON text file editing, but at some point in the future will be moved to in game GUI elements. We are implementing a more technical approach first to get it into your hands a bit quicker. To take advantage of this you will need to add a new file to the StreamingAssets folder. The file you want to create should be named "chatColors.json" and the default contents are as follows:
The first item in quotes is the channel name and the second item is the hex color. By placing this file in your "StreamingAssets" folder of your QA client the colors you define will be used.
Intended for July's end-of-month patch:
Well travelled roads
We have added tech to give you a slight speed boost while moving along well traveled roads. This is not determined by the textures on the terrain because the texture used for the road may also be used by other non-road areas. Instead, these roads are manually defined at design time. The core idea here is to have the "main roads" of a zone act as sort of a highway in which you can move along faster if you so choose. This means that not all roads get this speed boost. We are still tweaking the main roads in each zone so feel free to send in a /report if you feel that a road that is not included should be; no promises that it will be added. This feature is still very much experimental so your feedback is critical!
Note that we have excluded Newhaven Valley for a few reasons. Mainly that it's another piece of information that could easily confuse players. Not to mention it will likely immediately feel "bad" when they start ON a road and the instant the move off of it they move slower. Basically we don't have an easy way right now for the player to "learn" how to move faster on the roads so we are shortcutting this by just not implementing it until players are North of the wall.
Another note is that your +Movement stat will not be altered by this speed boost. Finally, this only works if your weapons are sheathed. If we find that this is in any way exploitable for combat (i.e. makes kiting far easier) we will remove it while you are in combat.
From a technical perspective we are handling it similarly to how we handle Ember Ring regen: with an icon that shows up on your nameplate.
When this icon is present you are receiving a passive increase to your +Movement speed.
July 11th:
July 13th:
July 18th:
July 20th:
On the docket for this month but not guaranteed:
- Highlands polish
- King's Quest
Hunting Log- Well Travelled Roads
- Additional quests and lore objects
- New armor visuals
June 29th:
Intended for the upcoming July 4th live patch:
- Fixed: dead targets can no longer be hailed
- Fixed: spider web effect now considers movement debuff resists
- Fixed: prevent "Sheath Weapons after Combat" from sheathing your weapons if you are currently executing an ability
- Fixed: prevent portable crafting station from being deployed in Newhaven City
- Fixed: blank dialogue issues with Cintya
- Fixed: quest logs potentially not updating if the category was collapsed
- Updated logic to social list updates to help clear up and track down lingering social issues.
- Removed "Center Self" ability from any Marshall's who had it. This ability was depreciated shortly after launch and was never meant to be available to players.
- Highlands:
- Fixed: monolith cost issues
- Fixed: stuck spots
- Fixed: removed problematic ladders
- Fixed: cleaned up some ore spawning on the road
- Vegetation adjustments/cleanup.
Custom chat colors are now possible! Currently this is done via JSON text file editing, but at some point in the future will be moved to in game GUI elements. We are implementing a more technical approach first to get it into your hands a bit quicker. To take advantage of this you will need to add a new file to the StreamingAssets folder. The file you want to create should be named "chatColors.json" and the default contents are as follows:
- Windows: "<launcher directory>\client\qa\Embers Adrift_Data\StreamingAssets"
- MacOS: you will first need to right click on the launcher and select "Show Package Contents", then navigate to "client\qa" where you will see the Embers Adrift app. Right click that app and again select "Show Package Contents". Now navigate to "Contents/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets"
Intended for July's end-of-month patch:
Well travelled roads
We have added tech to give you a slight speed boost while moving along well traveled roads. This is not determined by the textures on the terrain because the texture used for the road may also be used by other non-road areas. Instead, these roads are manually defined at design time. The core idea here is to have the "main roads" of a zone act as sort of a highway in which you can move along faster if you so choose. This means that not all roads get this speed boost. We are still tweaking the main roads in each zone so feel free to send in a /report if you feel that a road that is not included should be; no promises that it will be added. This feature is still very much experimental so your feedback is critical!
Note that we have excluded Newhaven Valley for a few reasons. Mainly that it's another piece of information that could easily confuse players. Not to mention it will likely immediately feel "bad" when they start ON a road and the instant the move off of it they move slower. Basically we don't have an easy way right now for the player to "learn" how to move faster on the roads so we are shortcutting this by just not implementing it until players are North of the wall.
Another note is that your +Movement stat will not be altered by this speed boost. Finally, this only works if your weapons are sheathed. If we find that this is in any way exploitable for combat (i.e. makes kiting far easier) we will remove it while you are in combat.
From a technical perspective we are handling it similarly to how we handle Ember Ring regen: with an icon that shows up on your nameplate.

When this icon is present you are receiving a passive increase to your +Movement speed.
July 11th:
- Fixed lingering issues with well traveled roads. Buff increased to +15 movement.
- Improved display of the globe-icon tooltip on social windows. It now includes:
- Sun/Moon icon to indicate day/night next to the time
- Approximate time for the next two sunrise/sunset events.
- Fixed: prevent need/greed/pass key presses when chat is open.
- Fixed: show loading screen when returning to selection or login scene.
- Fixed: NPC stuns/roots/fears now break on mental damage
- Fixed stuck spots in Northreach and Highland Hills
- Fixed: consumables now consider the server-corrected time when displaying cooldowns
- Doubled the angle forgiveness that occurs when executing an ability. By the time an ability reaches 100% execution the allowed angle will be expanded by 60 degrees (up from 30). Abilities such as heal that have a 120 degree requirement will expand to 180 degrees during execution (the required start angle is still 120 degrees)
- Tiered water added to merchants. This will fix Tea not giving experience at high levels. Previously, one water item was used for all tea recipes but now it more closely aligns with potions. Tiers are 1: pond water, 10: river water, 20: spring water, 30: filtered water, 40: clarified water, 50: purified water.
- Drastically increase NPC acceleration parameters when the NPC is close to their stopping distance. This should allow NPCs to more accurately stop at the right spot and result in less frequent overshoots.
- Improved how NPCs calculate if they are too close to the player. This should result in NPCs adjusting their position and backing up more frequently if they are too close to the player.
- Improved targeting for Drolscs.
- Improved targeting for Ravens.
- Adjust distance buffers for large bears, slagjacks, terradiles, muckrippers, redmanes, shrieks, and woodclaimed (will allow you to attack from a slightly greater distance)
- Updated Unity subversion to the latest revision. This should bring minor stability and performance improvements.
- Updated a number of internal Unity packages. This should also bring minor stability and performance improvements.

July 13th:
- We are tinkering with King's Potion stacking with other potions so things are in a weird state right now. Don't expect these changes to stay for long.
- Increased the speed in which Mandrake, Mangroves and Woodclaimed can spot you
- Mantor's Shield (Scales of the Mantor) given new visuals
- Added new Sentinel ability Overprovision at lvl 20. This is a group buff that lasts for 30 seconds. If a player is hit while having the buff, it will be consumed giving the player a brief heal over time effect. This ability can be purchased from the Sentinel trainer.
- Hemo Strike can now proc off over time effects as well as direct hits.
- Fixed NPC Followthrough animation putting their weapons through their body
- Reduce damage on Scorpion's Pursue ability Venom Shot
- Added an AFK timer to character selection/creation scene. You will be automatically logged out after 15m of inactivity.
- Added merchant NPCs to Highlands
- Further adjustments to NPC backing up and deceleration parameters.
- Moved the time component of the globe tooltip to a new time icon on your chat window. The icon shows as a sun/moon depending on the current time of day.

July 18th:
- Fixed: when multiple auras are on a group the highest level one takes priority over lower level ones. The exception to this is that you always get your own aura.
- Fixed some animation issues with Drolscs
- Fixed stuck spots in Central Veins, Forgotten Depths, Highland Hills, Grimstone Canyon, Dryfoot Stronghold, and Northreach
- Fixed a bug that allowed non-subscribers to split items into subscriber-only bank slots
- Moved some trees in the Meadowlands' Ember Oasis to increase the visibility of the egress point.
- Kings potion now includes Daze resist and once again does not stack with resist potions.
- Reduced Overprovision HOT slightly
- Added "/poi" commands. This is similar to "/qa" in that it can take you to specific locations. Current available locs are: brookhollow, fd2, molebear, stronghold, freehold, emberoasis. Run "/qa" with no arguments to see the available spots. If you have suggestions of POIs to add for testing please send a /report so we can capture the location!
- Added forsaken mobs to Northern Highland Hills
- Added a red bar to the bottom of merchant buyback items showing what fraction of time is left before the item expires
- Added new visuals for Assassin's Pauldrons
- Added more Highland Hills NPCs to replace merchant tables.
- Leveraging our merchant buyback tech we have added a new bag recovery merchant to Newhaven City near the sewers. When you forfeit your bag the contents will now show up on this merchant (money in your bag is still lost). You will have 2 hours from the time of forfeit to purchase individual items (stacks count as a single item) at an inflated price. The cost of an item is equal to the price a merchant would sell it for + a "finder's fee"; this fee increases dramatically with your character's level as this method of recovering your items is meant to be a backstop for emergency situations where traditional bag recovery is too difficult.
July 20th:
- Woodclaimed and Mangroves will now more quickly spot players.
- Fixed issues with Ashen Drolscs
- Fixed stuck spots in an Ember Vein.
- Reduced Venom strike execution time to 1s
- Added "Recovery Cost" to item tooltips in your bag while it is missing.
- Fixed potential ammo exploit with new bag merchant. Items tied to your role (starting items) are now removed from the bag merchant upon forgetting your role.
- Fixed a typo in Sentinel trainer dialogue.
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