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Is it worth?


New Member
Hi guys!

I am bored of my RL time sink. So I am really thinking about buying a new PC and giving EA a try. Nonetheless because I thougth I could play VG Emulator again, where I probably would be alone, but EA at least would be new to me. ;) So I am asking, are there people who still play EA or will I be alone there too? As I usualy play a healer, that would be pretty tough I guess.

Anybody has an advice?

Greetings Zazazuu
Jump in! Been playing for a month now and hooked. Well worth it if you want a long journey that you'll want to make friends in. Healers are loved, you get to make your choose of healer type at level 6 so get in and start leveling and read the tooltips and some online guides to help you decide.

Two good knowledge bases are:

I also found https://embersadriftguide.github.io/ useful.

I have 3 characters past 10. Highest is a 14 Juggernaut (tank).

Look for Mutus / Craggy / Yurz in game if you want a friend.
Hi guys!

I am bored of my RL time sink. So I am really thinking about buying a new PC and giving EA a try. Nonetheless because I thougth I could play VG Emulator again, where I probably would be alone, but EA at least would be new to me. ;) So I am asking, are there people who still play EA or will I be alone there too? As I usualy play a healer, that would be pretty tough I guess.

Anybody has an advice?

Greetings Zazazuu

Try it first. When you reach lvl 15-20 come back and we'll discuss it.
Thx for your answer. The point is, my PC is from .... let me think... VG time :) This means, I can't try AE without buying a new pc. I waited more than 9 years for pantheon now. So I am "hungry" and really really bored of all these mass PvP Games. Thats not my play style. And normally, I would wait with buying a PC for Pantheon. But as I already said, I am bored and AE looks a lot like my prefered game-play-style.

And no, I didn't play anything else meanwhile, other than EQ2 and AA in between. o_O;)
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Thx for your answer. The point is, my PC is from .... let me think... VG time :) This means, I can't try AE without buying a new pc. I waited more than 9 years for pantheon now. So I am "hungry" and really really bored of all these mass PvP Games. Thats not my play style. And normally, I would wait with buying a PC for Pantheon. But as I already said, I am bored and AE looks a lot like my prefered game-play-style.

And no, I didn't play anything else meanwhile, other than EQ2 and AA in between. o_O;)

If you're hyped for Pantheon I must warn you that EA and Pantheon only share the "old school vibe", but it is not "the alternative" EA is low fantasy. This means no magic, no magic classes, and no magic skills, monsters, places, etc. It's all more "grounded", recently and in the higher levels you start seeing some more "magical" beings, but don't expect much. Itemization is not traditional either, classes are barely different from one another, it's more the role that defines them than the actual skills and there's no strong class identity.

That's one of the things people are trying to change with the feedback because low fantasy is not very appealing to many people.

If you're going to invest in a PC to play this game, wait and save more money for Pantheon launch.
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If you liked EQ style games, you would likely enjoy Embers Adrift.

Graphics / interface etc. are modern, will look and play great on a new PC (and you'll be ready for Pantheon when it comes out in the 2030s :)

Great fun for a couple of months, up to maybe level 15-20 as mentioned, but it gets a little dry / slow after that.

Generally best for grouping rather than soloers, but there is fun for gathering / exploring types.