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Wow, what a story! I was able to sneak up behind one of the Wraiths...
And then KILL it!
It dropped three different items that the locals said were Legendary:
8 ~ The Infinity Ember Stone
== ~ some type of Deer Hooves
D ~ bowl of Bear Urine
Legend states that when these are combined, they create the Deathly Hallows (making you master of death), or the Happy Fun Wand (making you master of fun). The story was a little fuzzy here... Either way, it should be exciting!
Hello. Thought they have an automatic radius or proximity coding? Regardless how close one can get, they disappear if you get to said point, from mouse view, scrolling view, to keyboard advancement?
yeah, it is a set limit, but it use to feel like you could get different results. Not so now though. It seems pretty consistent. Maybe it was lag but it didn't always seem like the same distance even if it was suppose to. Now, it does.