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Help re: Brigand gear


Generally speaking, what extras to people look for in Brigand gear? I'm using imbued daggers almost exclusively and quest/drop daggers if they ever come up and are better.

I've been playing all leather, so lots of +Positional there, and the rest of my gear has a smattering of +hit, +1h dam, +pos, +haste, and +pen depending. I'm seriously questioning using +haste gear as daggers are already really fast, and I don't think boosting the speed will be all that beneficial for them vs. boosting the raw damage with +1h dam or +hit on an already fast pair of weapons.

I'm still low lvl so my gear isn't concentrated on a specific bonus just yet but it's something on my mind as I level and I was curious of other people's thoughts.
Haste also affects skill activation time and cooldown time. It's a worthwhile stat.
When it comes to PEN: armor on mobs is tougher now so it has some value, however, if you are using daggers the positional usually is PEN so I wouldn't really invest too much more in that stat with the rest of your gear. Rather focus on dmg, hit, haste. on your gear. Brigands also do get a small natural boost to PEN as well.
When it comes to DMG: Stacking it can be great but it can be challenging if you use multiple weapon types.
When it comes to POS: This is a powerful stat. Pay attention to the bonuses and position yourself to get some great bonuses. If you can't consistently hit from the position required by your weapon then change to weapons with different positionals. Brigands also get a self/group buff for POS to leverage even more.
See this is where I wish I knew what the stats were and did; I'd like to know if there was a practical limit to the effectiveness of PEN or not. This could be a big factor with Brigands using daggers and/or having lots of +PEN and +POS gear (which from the back will effect PEN). If PEN has diminishing returns, it'd be better to use not-daggers (short swords? Short sword and dagger?), which is kinda what I'm thinking but not sold yet.

Also partly where the question came from.
See this is where I wish I knew what the stats were and did; I'd like to know if there was a practical limit to the effectiveness of PEN or not. This could be a big factor with Brigands using daggers and/or having lots of +PEN and +POS gear (which from the back will effect PEN). If PEN has diminishing returns, it'd be better to use not-daggers (short swords? Short sword and dagger?), which is kinda what I'm thinking but not sold yet.

Also partly where the question came from.

In short: you use a weapon with a +dmg positional and on gear you go weapon dmg/positional > pen > hit.
Haste is difficult to calculate. Yes you do more auto attack damage and your CDs refresh faster, but that also leads to you running out of stam faster. If you think about it in terms of damage per stamina, Haste does nothing for you, while all other stats improve that.