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"HELP" Chat Channel Suggestion

Hello, is it possible to get a "HELP" chat channel option? Everything is lumped into the World channel. That way people can ask questions in the HELP channel instead of going on the WORLD Channel. People are getting heckled daily for asking basic game questions. It's very toxic. Also can we get a small, one line, note section in LFG where we can type in what we want to do. Either that or a LFG chat channel where we can explain what we are looking for. Thank you =)
Whilst I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your request for a 'HELP' chat channel, nor your comment about toxicity in /world chat, I do make the following observations.

Some people are not reading the tutorial or chat boxes from the NPCs that give them basic information. For example, since release I've seen numerous questions about how to get rid of 'wounds'; wherease one of the first tutorial / npc message you get is about sitting at an Ember Ring to do this.

My other personal pet peeve is people that log on and ask questions about what's in the message of the day that appears when you log on. I lost count of the number of times the question was asked about how to change instance some weeks ago. Also the patch notes. Why don't people spend 5 minutes reading them before they log on. Don't expect other people to do the background reading you can't be bothered to do.

I'm not saying this is you specifically, but it gets tiresome,

Perhaps an optional 'HELP' chat channel would solve the above; but of course that's assuming people read the info about what it is and how to join it.

TLDR: Read the information that's shown.
What Pet Peeve would there be asking questions in a HELP chat channel? You don't have to have it on...... I recommend you would do that. Wow, one and done right? you get told once and if you don't know, tough luck, right? See, you're the exact troll I am talking about. Didn't take long for one to come out and announce themselves. Grats, you just convicted yourself. Good job!
Name calling already?

If you search these forums you'll find I've replied to many threads with helpful information. I've also answered many many questions in game.

But some people take advantage of other peoples good will.

As I said in my reply an optional channel may help.
With Regard to the Help channel, as long as it doesn't become another chat box for people to just talk in, I agree with it. It needs to be able to be unchecked/hidden for those who don't wish to participate in helping.

With regard to Calkrow, those of us who've been here for a year or more do get tired of answering the same questions over and over. I myself have answered so many questions, many times. All Calkrow is saying is read the information available to you before you immediately jump to world chat and ask for help.
With Regard to the Help channel, as long as it doesn't become another chat box for people to just talk in, I agree with it. It needs to be able to be unchecked/hidden for those who don't wish to participate in helping.

With regard to Calkrow, those of us who've been here for a year or more do get tired of answering the same questions over and over. I myself have answered so many questions, many times. All Calkrow is saying is read the information available to you before you immediately jump to world chat and
With Regard to the Help channel, as long as it doesn't become another chat box for people to just talk in, I agree with it. It needs to be able to be unchecked/hidden for those who don't wish to participate in helping.

With regard to Calkrow, those of us who've been here for a year or more do get tired of answering the same questions over and over. I myself have answered so many questions, many times. All Cal
With Regard to the Help channel, as long as it doesn't become another chat box for people to just talk in, I agree with it. It needs to be able to be unchecked/hidden for those who don't wish to participate in helping.

With regard to Calkrow, those of us who've been here for a year or more do get tired of answering the same questions over and over. I myself have answered so many questions, many times. All Calkrow is saying is read the information available to you before you immediately jump to world chat and ask for help.

s read the information available to you before you immediately jump to world chat and ask for
I think the issue you are having, MeatLasagna, will not be addressed with the 'Help Channel' that you suggest. If your reactions in game are similar to those demonstrated in this thread. Although I do feel like a toggle-able help channel is not a terrible idea. I think that you, and most people finding themselves in your position, will be best served by following the advice kindly given earlier in this thread. Try to use your eyes and your mind to figure things out a bit before just /shouting "someone play the game for me im stuck". It is kind of the spirit of this game I think. Or there is always Wow and such games like autoclickers. I hear you don't even have to click! Good luck.