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Happy New Year 2022


Stormhaven Studios
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Heya friends!

The whole team at Stormhaven Studio is joining me to wish you a Happy New Year 2022, and in thanking you all for your interest and your support in 2021. May 2022 bring you joy, love, health, success and courage!

But, I wanted to take the opportunity to write something a little more personal from me, Elloa:

As I was welcoming testers in the game this past Wednesday night, I found myself feeling so joyous just at the idea of playing alongside my group of Alpha testers. I suddenly realized that while I have always been striving as a gamer & content creator for the feeling of belonging to a close knit group of players and had difficulty to find that due a lack of time and space in my life, I was experiencing just that, every Wednesday night. Suddenly I felt so good in the role of Embers Adrift community manager!

(note: being in the EU timezone, the test happens at 3am for me. With my boyfriend sleeping just behind me, my working conditions are far from being ideal :p)

The last few weeks I’ve felt very touched by the investment of our community. I’m so deeply grateful to all of you who are showing us kindness and trust. To all of you who have been supporting this game for so long, you are part of the family! Thank you for spending your precious time to test the game, give your feedback, and inspire us with new ideas and new solutions. Even if it’s just one test, and one feedback. This truly helps! And to all of you that are cheering us from afar, keeping an eye on our progress. THANK YOU!

We are doing something somewhat unconventional. We are kinda breaking the rules by attempting to create a Massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, one of the hardest and most costly types of games in the industry, while being a pocket team with a limited budget. Yet, we work hard, and we put our heart into the task.

“With a brave heart, anything is possible!”

We want to offer the gaming community a very unique experience. Something that we hope many will enjoy. It’s not easy to create an “experience”. It’s not as simple as creating a “game.'' We need to inspire your feelings. How does one do that? It’s almost like doing magic.
Yet, that’s what we are working on. We want to shape for you an unique experience. An experience that is currently missing in the current landscape of MMORPGS. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. We are not trying to be better than any of the other excellent games out there. We are not trying to amass people and fortune. We just want to create this very unique experience, of shared adventures with friends, where the improbable happens. With inspiring landscapes that call you to travel we want to take you away with us in our world. Just for a moment. A break from the stress of life, to forget your worries and concerns, and experience freedom, friendship, adventures, all of that in the safety of your gaming chair! So, from me, Elloa, to you, friends, thank you!!!

Much love to you all! Have a blessed 2022! Also, rewatch our trailer, just because!

Community Manager
Stormhaven Studios
What a wild ride it has been. I have absolutely loved every minute. Even though I was sidelined unable to join the tests for quite a while it was still incredible to be watching the evolution and cheering everyone on! I am so excited for more testing time and to keep being an Embers Adrift cheerleader. I cant wait to see what 2022 has in store for Embers Adrift. :cool: <3