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That indicates a "less" optimal position. You'll notice that the full arrows are +125% positional whereas the half filled are +100% positional. NPC nameplates will mirror these icons on their nameplate depending on your position to help you position yourself to take advantage of whichever bonus you want to use.
ah, I see.
Is there like a compendium somewhere that goes into combat stat details? The Tooltips only show what HIT for example does, but I'd like to know how much. What does having 15 HIT mean? Are there Soft-/Hardcaps? Is it Level dependend etc.?
ah, I see.
Is there like a compendium somewhere that goes into combat stat details? The Tooltips only show what HIT for example does, but I'd like to know how much. What does having 15 HIT mean? Are there Soft-/Hardcaps? Is it Level dependend etc.?
Not at the moment no. You can hold alt while hovering over a tooltip to kind of "show more" which should expand out a number of acronyms. There are a few community driven wikis out there which may go into detail (see here and here); I can't vouch for their accuracy or how up to date they are. Our discord community is likely the best resource for this as you can ask questions from the community and get more focused answers. But there are always active discussions on discord.
Most stats are straight forward % increases. HIT however, is sort of an oddball. We sample a Gaussian curve (bell curve) to determine your HIT which boils down to miss/glance/normal/heavy/crit. +HIT basically shifts the probability closer to a crit which also reduces your chance to miss. But because it's a probability it's more difficult to quantify how damage you are actually gaining. But at the same time you can't sleep on HIT!