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Game will not log on


New Member
I have the game downloaded but I keep getting an error message that goes away immediately as I'm logging into the game but I can't read it because it then goes to black. I have checked windows defender and I THINK I have allowed the launcher through. Is there anything else I can do? What I will say is the icon has a yellow and blue shield over it. Maybe there is another anti virus that I'm unaware of blocking it? Really at a loss, I've been working with this for hours it seems.
I have the game downloaded but I keep getting an error message that goes away immediately as I'm logging into the game but I can't read it because it then goes to black. I have checked windows defender and I THINK I have allowed the launcher through. Is there anything else I can do? What I will say is the icon has a yellow and blue shield over it. Maybe there is another anti virus that I'm unaware of blocking it? Really at a loss, I've been working with this for hours it seems.
Are you running as admin, by chance?
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G, AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT GPU, 16gb.

Still having issues unfortunately
Are you running any anti-virus or anti-malware? If so you might need to add the launcher directory to their whitelist. It sounds like the game is crashing, which typically indicates a file is missing/corrupted. The other thing to check is that you have the latest up to date graphics drivers. If all else fails you are welcome to send me your log here or on discord and I can take a closer look. Logs can be found in <launcher directory>\client\live\embersadrift.log