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Embers Adrift is a unique fantasy PvE MMO - group play truly shines and solo play is still rewarding. Designed with classic MMO principles in mind we desire to bring players together to create lasting memories and friendships in an immersive world wherein you may lose track of time. Welcome drifter!
Embers Adrift is a unique fantasy PvE MMO - group play truly shines and solo play is still rewarding. Designed with classic MMO principles in mind we desire to bring players together to create lasting memories and friendships in an immersive world wherein you may lose track of time. Welcome drifter!
I’m definitely excited about this. In comparison to a couple of the “early access” mmo’s that have recently came out, none of them compare to embers in my opinion.
Yes there are some things that need to be fixed in embers, but overall I feel this game is more put together and has greater potential.