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Full range combat


Is this viable? I'd like to main a Warden but would like to fight primarily with my bow. Is that viable in the game, or will I be inefficient in combat?
If you can make your own arrows. I'm burning through a lot when grouping, but I'm still experimenting with it.
Is this viable? I'd like to main a Warden but would like to fight primarily with my bow. Is that viable in the game, or will I be inefficient in combat?
In a group situation this is perfectly viable with a short or long bow. While soloing however, you would likely have to use a short bow as keeping them outside of the minimum range of a longbow would prove challenging.
I find in groups I like using the bow when I can, that isn't always the case. This is mainly due to mob spacing in some areas and I aggro stuff that was not intended and piss off my healer and tank. But I love using my short bow out in the world on my Warden, I can even kite the mobs a bit before switching to melee, it takes practice and situational awareness OFC. But that is why I rolled a warden, I like the Ranger aspect of it, and Lay of the Land skill is so OP, being able to run faster and help your group run faster is such a great QoL ability.