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Free Weekend June 2-4 What Can You Do To Make It A Success?


Active Member
So it looks like we will be having another free weekend coming up in June for players to try out the game. First let me say awesome! It is always fun seeing new players getting into the game. I will be collecting gem stones and copper ingots to make free jewelry sets for the new players. Some of you may have even seen me at the beginning of your journeys giving away free jewelry on my character Tootall.

It would be really great if others could offer some freebies to those players who want it as they just start out. Or if you don't have any items offer some help in the newbie zone or just show up in your most amazing gear and answer questions they may have. Help them clear out an area so they can finish a quest! You really don't need to spend a lot of time helping, I spend an hour or so myself then I go do my own thing until I am ready to help out again.

Items that are really useful are food, drinks, weapons, ammo for bows and crossbows and jewelry. Armor to a certain degree but at low levels it's hard to wear more than a few pieces.

We might just convince some of these people to stay and continue playing if a few of us help out the newbies and also let them see what they can achieve as they play the game.
This is excactly the sort of events that has been organised in our previous Free Weekend. I am currently working on organising the Streamer Marathon, and the events that will happen during the Free Weekend. It will be announced and described here once it's ready! :)

Here I would say, than more than free goodies, the best help that one player can provide, is to organise groups, and play alongside other players.
Hopefully we will have a bunch of returning players aswell and then we will need to set up events for higher level too!
Just noticed this as well, got really keen to bring some folks in. Then I remembered my gaming friends don't play MMOs and especially games like this :( Best I can do is publicize it!
I'm looking forward to testing out this game this coming weekend. I'll be streaming my entire playthrough on my twitch. I've been hearing a ton about this game recently and its hard to find new MMOs to play and stream. If all goes well I'll be subbed right after this weekend and become a continued player. Looking forward to an actual trinity game for once not like most newer games that claim trinity and don't deliver or those that just dissolve trinity completely.
I'm looking forward to testing out this game this coming weekend. I'll be streaming my entire playthrough on my twitch. I've been hearing a ton about this game recently and its hard to find new MMOs to play and stream. If all goes well I'll be subbed right after this weekend and become a continued player. Looking forward to an actual trinity game for once not like most newer games that claim trinity and don't deliver or those that just dissolve trinity completely.
That's fantastic!! Welcome to the community! Be sure to join our Discord server and to promote your stream in our community creation area!