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Exiled Woodman's note


New Member
Quest\soulbound item drops from Woodman in Northreach but there is nothing actionable to use it for. Checking with NPCs around northreach and main town doesn't provide any quest options. Note is not usable \ interactable to create a new quest in journal. Anyone have experience with this quest item drop?
I belive that is used in the second/third part of a quest. So I would bank it and have it later when you come across a quest that asks for it. But yes, getting quest times that you can not use can be confusing. At least let us cell them for 1cp to get rid of them easier.
Quest\soulbound item drops from Woodman in Northreach but there is nothing actionable to use it for. Checking with NPCs around northreach and main town doesn't provide any quest options. Note is not usable \ interactable to create a new quest in journal. Anyone have experience with this quest item drop?
Definitely save quest items for later, just in case. This one, you might find someone in Ravenrock that would be interested in it.
Its the 3rd part of Patrolling Northreach questline. Save it. Though trying to get the bat ears for the 2nd part will make you want to cry, drop rate is horrible and took me 2 nights to win a roll of need to get mine =(
Its the 3rd part of Patrolling Northreach questline. Save it. Though trying to get the bat ears for the 2nd part will make you want to cry, drop rate is horrible and took me 2 nights to win a roll of need to get mine =(
This may have been adjusted. Three of us got ours within one night cycle (albeit almost the entire cycle). It would be nice if quest drops were individualized or multiplied to the number of present party members though.