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Embers Adrift on Controller! (Xbox one or PS5)

Hello there I was bored and decided to set up a controller for myself to play with for shits and giggles. Thanks to @ImpayaChibana for the help, If the program doesn't work I may of missed something in the key bind changing part just let me know if you try it out :D!

*If you want to plug and play you'll need to edit your key binds to what mine or my friends are in game otherwise you'll have to edit the JoyToKey program with what your binds are.
The way the controllers are set up they flow the same exact way (IE. Xbox X = PS5 Square, Xbox Y = PS5 Triangle etc)

**This can't open up inventories unless your in mouse mode and you use the cursor to open up menus in the top right of the game I could probably do all of that with the use of the 2nd profile but I'm only using this to farm mindlessly or mess around when playing with friends. Also healing will be slightly hard to do with this because you cycle through Friendly targets with up or down on the D-Pad But I was able to successfully play Brigand on it and CC with relative ease.

***My friend has gotten the mouse with D-Pad (Using Left or right stick moves your character so that's why we picked the D-Pad) its a little janky but you could now completely play from controller if you wanted to, I don't recommend it because how janky the mouse movement is with D-pad.

****To get the .txt files to work, you will have to create a profile in JoyToKey with the same names as the .TXT files then open the .CFG file found by going to JoyToKey and click File>Open Config data folder in explorer and copy and paste everything from the .TXT to the .CFG I can also just send the .CFG if you want it but can't upload that to the forums.

Obviously you'll need the program https://joytokey.net/en/

My keybinds in game are set up as this this is all you should need to edit:

Next Offensive Target: Tab
Previous Offensive Target: Shift+Tab
Next Defense Target: \
Previous Defense Target: Shift+\
Auto attack: Q
Cancel Execution: Shift+E
Auto-Run: R
Action Bar 1: 1
Action Bar 2: 2
Action Bar 3: 3
Action Bar 4: 4
Action Bar 5: Shift+1
Action Bar 6: Shift+2
Action Bar 7: Shift+3
Action Bar 8: Shift+4
Consumable 1: Alt+1
Consumable 2: Alt+2
Consumable 3: Alt+3
Consumable 4: Alt+4
Reagent 1: Shift+5
Reagent 2: Shift+6
Reagent 3: Shift+7
Reagent 4: Shift+8
Loot Roll Need: P
Loot Roll Greed: Shift+P
Loot Roll Pass: Alt+P

For PS5 She mainly uses default keybinds so if you have default keybinds you're in luck! Just have to edit a few things :D.

Next Offensive Target: Tab
Previous Offensive Target: Shift+Tab
Next Defense Target: \
Previous Defense Target: Shift+\
Auto attack: `
Cancel Execution: Shift+E
Auto-Run: =
Action Bar 1: 1
Action Bar 2: 2
Action Bar 3: 3
Action Bar 4: 4
Action Bar 5: 5
Action Bar 6: 6
Action Bar 7: 7
Action Bar 8: 8
Consumable 1: Shift+1
Consumable 2: Shift+2
Consumable 3: Shift+3
Consumable 4: Shift+4
Reagent 1: Shift+5
Reagent 2: Shift+6
Reagent 3: Shift+7
Reagent 4: Shift+8
Loot Roll Need: P
Loot Roll Greed: Shift+P
Loot Roll Pass: Alt+P

Now in terms as how to use it I'll be explaining how to use it in Xbox terms but they are the same as I previously stated

LT X: Action bar 1
LT Y: Action bar 2
LT B: Action bar 3
LT A: Action bar 4

RT X: Action bar 5
RT Y: Action bar 6
RT B: Action bar 7
RT A: Action bar 8

LB X: Consumable 1
LB Y: Consumable 2
LB B: Consumable 3
LB A: Consumable 4

RB X: Reagent 1
RB Y: Reagent 2
RB B: Reagent 3
RB A: Reagent 4

X: Auto Attack
Y: Right mouse Click
B: Cancel Execution
A: Jump

L3 (Click Left stick): Auto run
R3 (Click Right stick): Sit
L1+L3: Sheath weapon
L1+R3: Switch weapon

D-pad Up: Cycle Friendly NPC/PC
D-pad Down: Cycle Friendly NPC/PC
D-pad Left: Cycle Enemies
D-pad Right: Cycle Enemies

Select: Need Loot
Start: Greed Loot
L1+R1: Pass Loot

L1+D-pad Up: Switches Profiles to Mouse movement (For Xbox)
D-pad: to move the mouse
X: Left Click
Y: Right click
B: Esc
A: Jump

****The only difference in terms of buttons for these controllers are switching profiles for mouse movement PS5 use this, PS5 Button: Switches Profiles to Mouse movement****


  • Embers Adrift (Xbox One).txt
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  • Embers Adrift (Mouse movement Xbox One).txt
    915 bytes · Views: 5
  • Embers Adrift (PS5).txt
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  • Embers Adrift (Mouse movement PS5).txt
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Quick tip, if its not working, run J2K as admin, took me a bit to figure that out
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Quick tip, if its not working, run J2K as admin, took me a bit to figure that out
Yes I forgot about that part :D!

We also made a new one that makes it so you don't need 2 different programs the only thing is you can't turn on your reagents its been awhile since I've played but it worked pretty decent last time I used it. It honestly felt pretty fluid and it felt kinda like it was designed by the devs.

I also got the Xbox Guide button to work I think I had to turn off steams key bind for it to work because I couldn't get it to work before when I had created the xbox version. If you use PS5 Controller I'll have to see if @ImpayaChibana still has their version of the Keybind pic because I don't have it :(

(Xbox keybinds)


  • Embers Adrift (Test).txt
    2.3 KB · Views: 6
Also another much simpler way(imo). Add the game on steam (as non-steam game). Connect your PS5 or Xbox controller through bluetooth and then enable the accept steam input feature and you can remap keys through steam. It works!!!
Also another much simpler way(imo). Add the game on steam (as non-steam game). Connect your PS5 or Xbox controller through bluetooth and then enable the accept steam input feature and you can remap keys through steam. It works!!!
Hey, I gave this a try and wasn't able to launch Embers through Steam even though it found the exe file. Are there additional steps?
Hey, I gave this a try and wasn't able to launch Embers through Steam even though it found the exe file. Are there additional steps?
I cant remember but I will uninstall it and re-install it from fresh and I'll come back to tell you what I did.
Hey, I gave this a try and wasn't able to launch Embers through Steam even though it found the exe file. Are there additional step
man im trying to figure out why something so basic isnt working for you.
This is the ''target'' (in steam) copy pasted:
"C:\Program Files\Embers Adrift\client\live\Embers Adrift.exe"

One thing you can do is go in that folder. Then find it yourself. Right-click it and go to properties and then try to make sure
the box ''run as administrator'' is checked''. I found without fail that this one simple gimmick causes
features to work when they haven't in the past (including using DS4 Windows and using the auto-feature on a specific game. If I dont have this enabled, 99% of the time, it just wont work). Try doing the same for steam.exe as well.

On another note, you might need to download DS4 Windows. Then make sure you emulate the xbox360 controller.
This should make a controller icon appear next to the ''settings'' logo. Only then, will you be able to edit the layout of the controller!
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