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Dryfoot Fashion

Ravenwolf Silvermoon

Well-Known Member
Hello. Have some Dryfoot item to share, for those wondering which look better (cuirass), crafted copper crafted tin, crafted bronze or crafted zink/brass. There's not much difference on looks, visual other then hue/tint color of the metal armor. The cloth stuff, the crafted cotton is yellow (if they have not changed it) at lower levels, the ones here are dark green. Also the cuirass look, is the same as the Emberfly Curiass. The balanced ramie hauberk has the same look as the crafted hauberk, except the sleeves are darker (think its the same as the level 30 cuirass too).

Ramie & Balanced Armor.jpg
Hello. Have some Dryfoot item to share, for those wondering which look better (cuirass), crafted copper crafted tin, crafted bronze or crafted zink/brass. There's not much difference on looks, visual other then hue/tint color of the metal armor. The cloth stuff, the crafted cotton is yellow (if they have not changed it) at lower levels, the ones here are dark green. Also the cuirass look, is the same as the Emberfly Curiass. The balanced ramie hauberk has the same look as the crafted hauberk, except the sleeves are darker (think its the same as the level 30 cuirass too).

View attachment 1978
It seems it's still in some cases better to use the lower lvl crafted items vs the higher ones.

The raime gloves have 3 more AC than the cotton ones but have no stats unfortunately. I don't know if that's tied to the crafters outfitter lvl or if these just have no stats. But I'd rather take the cotton gloves with 3 less AC and have the stats for Hit and def avoid and I believe there is one more stat but I could be wrong.
I'm still trying to figure out how the while crafting works In regards to what is best etc. Because it seems more often than not that the lower lvl crafted items have better stats. Which in all rights as you progress and can make higher lvl items, those items should be better than the lower lvl one's you're crafting. Just doesn't make sense to me lol
Hello. Babbling and rant on.
Real quick on this, not to side note/track crafting thread section. At level 50, crafting will be really awesome. For now, getting there is a grind. From my own experience since the new crafting system and in alpha test build, it seems the more you make the better the item. Though the devs know whats actually going on behind the scene, we will still try to figure out. And with each test build, old information seems out of date, but still in the ball park.

A fir short bow, cotton bow string, linen cloth may be a lot better then an oak or maple short bow, because you made 200 of those fir short bows. While you just began making your first oak or maple short bow. Till you make 300 of oak or 400 maple short bow, the fir will seem better for now. And don't forget, most to all of the weapons and armor seem to start at level 20. That is, when you achieve level 20 in adventuring, you get to wear and equip the good stuff.

Though we will not be able to make it to adventuring level 50 on our own during these test builds, when you do make it to level 50, hopefully all the crafted items will be worth the grind and skilling up to wear, equip and use those really nice gear. Starting out, it seems mob drop items are reasonable good till you get to 20, at least that's what I have seen for this current beta test. It would really suck if we have to wait till level 50 to use items with stats, while levels 10-40 has no stats. At the current rate, I will not be able to get to level 25, for that matter 30 for this beta test build to try out the level 30 stuff. At the moment, am only able to make items that are level 30ish.

Even if you do make it to level 50 in crafting, you may have mastered copper ingots recipe and pine and fir wood recipe. But when it comes to oak and maple recipe, your item will not be as great as the fir wood version (imo). So in honesty, what do you want to be good at? You could be very proficient with fir wood recipe but the maple wood recipe will not be as great till you make more. However, someone who grind up on oak and maple recipe could have better results then the fir wood recipe. However it gets a little complicated when you use animal leather strips (rabbit, deer, boar, bear, racoon and wolves). For leather armor they do have different outcome. For hilts also, they will have different outcome. Again, I dont know whats going on behind the scene on crafting.

Does it matter if we use one kind of material? Does it matter when we get to level 50, any item we make will be good or so so? Those numbers you see +1, its 1% rounded down from what I been hearing. So until you get or have an item thats +10, or +20, its hard to tell in battle how effective it is. One extra damage, two extra damage? +1 haste. Of course I have no idea what I am say, just ranting, babbling away.

Once you get to 20, you can wear crafted armor and weapons that are made by level 50 Outfitters, with the maximum stat modifier possible (not including materials type bonus). A level 50 Outfitter can make you a level 29 Tin Cuirass with the maximum stat modifier (minus the material type), that you can wear at adventuring level 20. If you are a level 20 or 22 Defender, Striker or Supporter, you can wear or use item level 29, that is crafted by a level 30, 40 or 50 Outfitter or Weaponsmith.

This is all from my own observation from crafting Weaponsmith and Outfitter to level 33. Not even going to bother to get to 50, since we can't wear or use any of those items. Maybe someone will get to 40 or even 50 in Outfitter or Weaponsmith before the wipe. It takes too long. Maybe if this was live, I can see folks doing little here, little there and eventually get to 50. For beta test builds, am fine where I am now.
Babbling and rant off.
Hello. Babbling and rant on.

Perhaps some slight confusion on how the quality works. It doesn't specifically matter if you level up via Oak or Maple or Fir. Only your profession level matters in terms of how well you use those materials. As you become a better Weaponsmith for example you are able to use more/different materials in your work and the materials you can already use you can use more effectively. The choice of Oak vs Maple vs Fir is largely around what the end product is. Maybe supporters prefer Oak staves and Strikers prefer Fir Bows, and the hilt of swords is preferred as Maple for Defenders and Oak as Strikers etc. etc.

The current system runs the risk of one material completely outshining others, but we look to balance things if one material just shows as being dominant in all cases. These changes are simple, but finding what players gravitate towards and see as valuable vs not is sometimes hard to predict.

In terms of getting access to a new material after hitting say level 20 and that new material not being desirable I'm hoping some upcoming changes makes it immediately useful, but keeps the material bonuses of material types the same as crafters build up their knowledge of the materials.
Hello. Was going to post this in a new section, but its about fashion and character looks lol. I crafted a full visual set of Tin Armor, Bronze Armor, Zink Armor and Brass Armor. They all look the same lol.

Defender Armor Shield & Mace 05.jpg
Yea unfortunately there's some tech missing for crafted items to take on the metal tinting like we do for the NPC dropped items. It's definitely something I hope we can accomplish.