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Client Download stuck


New Member
Current version, live, launcher : b108_11.20.2023
First install

Download was stuck at 3%.
CPU usage cycles, memory is Stuck.

Restarting the launcher lets me get a little further.
( wrong hash lookup ? )
After it starts unpacking at ~30% it does not need any restarts.

no logfiles found to prove this.

Good Luck
99% of the time these issues are caused by one of these three causes:
  • Antivirus / Antimalware falsely identifying game content as malicious and quarantining files as they are downloaded. Add the launcher directory to the whitelist of these applications to get around this.
  • Windows permission issues. Run the launcher as admin to get around this (right click, select Launch as Admin).
  • Firewall issues. Some firewall rules (pfsense configs, etc) block specific file types and can cause the downloads to stall. Either disable the firewall, or whitelist the download url.
99% of the time these issues are caused by one of these three causes:
  • Antivirus / Antimalware falsely identifying game content as malicious and quarantining files as they are downloaded. Add the launcher directory to the whitelist of these applications to get around this.
  • Windows permission issues. Run the launcher as admin to get around this (right click, select Launch as Admin).
  • Firewall issues. Some firewall rules (pfsense configs, etc) block specific file types and can cause the downloads to stall. Either disable the firewall, or whitelist the download url.
Im in the game now but
I followed what someone in the forums did, everytime download stopped, i closed and reopened and hit download. once it hit the unpacking phase, it worked.
OS is win11, 1000/50 internet speed, firewalls were granted access, ran as admin etc. the problem still persisted, had to use above method.