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Brainstorming ideas - QUESTS LOCATIONS


Stormhaven Studios

Dear Community,

Let's speak about QUESTS LOCATIONS. In which area, which zone do you think quests are missing? Where would you love to see another quest taking part? Is tehre any remote location that are really cool to visit, but there is actually nothing interesting to do?
I have been asking the question during our Weekly Discord Meeting, and we received already some answers, but I want to be sure everyone have a chance to answer. So let me know below, what are the zones and areas you wish to see some quests happening, where do you want those quests to lead you!

This is a Brainstorming Thread, I request that everyone respect everyone else's ideas, express themselves with kindness and open mindedness,

If anything, in open-world zones like ML, Dryfoot or Redshore I'd want more quests that are NOT in some remote location.
Take ML for example, pretty much every Point of Interest (besides the obelisk) is on the zone borders while the whole center area is a barren No-Mans's-Land in terms of content. You could probably cut half the size of ML out of the middle and not lose anything of value.
Named mobs in open world could use some sort of tweak. As Keiban has stated, most zones have minimal things thats just there for the sake of having something there. Each "static" spot where a named mob could spawn should STAY in that spot.

Take for example, Quillbane in Meadowlands. There's maybe 4-5 spawn locations where it could spawn. You kill the PH and it could spawn in any of those locations. So you could spend the whole time in a static area and never see Quillbane or the PH again. Make it so that each location has its own PH. You could even lower the spawn rate of seeing it.

At least in EV's the group will see more named mobs spawn consistently because they are clearing everything. It's the opposite in open world, groups tend to stay in one area because other areas are too far and will slow down the grind.

As for quests, I feel like there's enough as it is to fulfill most zones. The problem, however, is the QUALITY of the reward items. No one is going to want to do any quests if they aren't going to be able to get upgrades.

Let's take for example EPIC quests (which is in the road map) if the quality of these items is inferior to the skull boss loots. Not many people are going to want to do them, unless of course it's going to be an upgrade. But as far as the game goes QUEST loot < Dropped loot.

Lastly, for god's sake come up with better stats for EARRINGS! There are only TWO worth equipping.
Take for example, Quillbane in Meadowlands. There's maybe 4-5 spawn locations where it could spawn. You kill the PH and it could spawn in any of those locations. So you could spend the whole time in a static area and never see Quillbane or the PH again. Make it so that each location has its own PH. You could even lower the spawn rate of seeing it.
The PH system would work if zones were buzzing with people and you'd have groups on all the different spots. That's unfortunately not the case atm and won't be for the foreseeable future.

On the other hand you have things like dungeons and many quests that only work because there are so few players and would break if there were significantly more.
If anything, in open-world zones like ML, Dryfoot or Redshore I'd want more quests that are NOT in some remote location.
Take ML for example, pretty much every Point of Interest (besides the obelisk) is on the zone borders while the whole center area is a barren No-Mans's-Land in terms of content. You could probably cut half the size of ML out of the middle and not lose anything of value.
disagree , I want big map big dungeon
and dungeons in this game are so simple they can't even compare to 25 years old Everquest 1
disagree , I want big map big dungeon
and dungeons in this game are so simple they can't even compare to 25 years old Everquest 1
well, I wouldn't be against big maps either IF they had the manpower to actually fill them with cool and interesting stuff. But that's not the case atm.
Both Northreach and Dryfoot feel like they have plenty of intuitive quest lines that encourage the player to engage with content throughout the zone. These are quests that can be started solo but often lead you to places where you'll need to engage with other players to successfully complete the content. They also put you in places where named mobs often spawn which can potentially lure a player back to engage with the content again.

Meadowlands has a good portion of this as well. There's quests to justify engaging with exiles, wolves/spiders and even crocs if you count Tradeswoman's Lament (despite the abysmal quest reward). There might be a benefit to implementing a introductory quests that encourage players to kill 3 chevron aggressive bunnies (during daytime) and 3 chevron emberflies (during night time.). Give players an organic reason to hunt big bugs or big bunnies so they have an opportunity to run into Quillbane, Hobfly, Zofly, or any of the countless named noobs barely know exist. These mobs drop amazing loot and they're underutilized carrots on a stick screaming to be properly wielded.

Redshore's Shoring Up Redshore questline feels like it was developed with the assumption that players would be starting the zone from the Dryfoot side. After the DF camp it sends you through snatchscale pass (yikes) to the beach exile camps, then the lumbermill, then the ruins. That's all fine and dandy, but you're actively sending people new to Redshore to their death in Snatchscale Pass. Since the monolith was moved to the west side, and players are more organically starting Redshore on the west side. Perhaps it's worth considering moving the quest giver to the Fort?

If we split Redshore into quadrants The Stranger quest checks off the box at the bottom right (southeast) side of the map. That leaves the northeast corner, the northwest corner, and even the southwest corners as largely barren of quests that will lead players to areas that are otherwise left unexplored. Since named in Redshore spawn in spots throughout these corners of the map they might as well not exist for players that actively seeking them out. Potentially they might find them by gathering but even then most people are incentivized to gather in the more hospitible zones (Grimstone Canyon at 30 or Highland Hills at 20).

The lower part of Highland Hills could use substantially more quests but personally I wish it didn't exist to begin with. Level 20-25 content is already fragmented throughout the world geographically between Dryfoot and Meadowlands Spiders and UC. I personally wish HH was 40+ entirely, but now I'm getting off topic.

GC feels pretty good coverage wise. That is likely because of how narrow the space is, so it makes it a bit easier to blanket cover each region with an appropriate quest. I would love to see more Cliffwalker pieces of gear in that level range though that could be more easily done by rewarding multiple gear pieces throughout the stages of the existing quest line.

Perhaps the fort outside GC in DF where Wrax spawns could use some attention on the quest front. It's a very scenic camp with little to incentivize players to engage with it outside of a half-decent stamina shirt or a necklace with avoid on it.

Overall, I think quests are in a pretty good place. Outside of Redshore, I feel most zones are pretty well fleshed out in respect to quests. That said, I think there are some obvious ways that existing quest lines could be improved and made to feel more rewarding. Then again I don't really expect structural changes to existing questlines to happen as those that have completed said questline might be upset that they can't redo them. Maybe those types of major changes could happen during our first Season/TLE/Relaunch if that pie in the sky idea ever comes to fruition?
