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Feedback Board quest

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New Member
Board quest to kill Boars in Dryfoot.... barely any boars , spent 1 hour around and mainly in lower lvl where there is a few but then no respawn , not worth the time, can't cancel quest ...
Board quest to kill Boars in Dryfoot.... barely any boars , spent 1 hour around and mainly in lower lvl where there is a few but then no respawn , not worth the time, can't cancel quest ...
The counts on these will be adjusted appropriately on Tuesday.
I'm in the camp that thinks you should be able to remove your quest after 24 hours.

However, of the 15 or so I've done this week I've only had issues with 1, which is an excellent result with so many moving parts.

Why do I think you should be able to remove it after 24 hours.
- It puts a cap on how long someone needs to go without being able to use the system.
- It reduces the workload on the dev team, as people will generally be prepared to wait 24 hours, whereas otherwise they may need devs to reset quests while they work on a fix, which interrupts the devs.
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