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Best Indie MMORPG - Another Scuffed Game Awards Show


Stormhaven Studios
Embers Adrift (1).jpg

Hats off to Redbeardflynn for orchestrating ANOTHER SCUFFED GAME AWARDS SHOW!
Heartfelt gratitude to the community for voting us the best indie MMORPG of the year. Your support humbles and inspires us!
Stormhaven Studio is excited to unveil new content and features in Embers Adrift next year. The adventure has just begun! Here's to a fantastic 2024!

You can see the award and @Drindin heartfelt speech at this timestamp. You may want to check the whole show though, as it was a really nice initiative from Redbeardflynn and a very entertaining show!
Any chance you could summarize? I don't believe I have the wherewithall to watch 3 hrs of that show but I am curious as to the results.
Any chance you could summarize? I don't believe I have the wherewithall to watch 3 hrs of that show but I am curious as to the results.
I should have linked the video at the right timestamp (atleast it works for me). Otherwise, the video includes chapters. You can jump in right away. Our segment is +- 7 min long.
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