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Best combination?


New Member
Presuming one can create up to 5 characters, is it wise to create 1 character to do Gathering (Forester/Hunter/Prospector), 1 for Blacksmith (Armorsmith, Tinker, Weaponsmith), and 1 for Bushcraft (Provisioner/Woodworker/Outfitter), or is it better to couple Forester with Woodworker, Prospector with Armorsmith/Weaponsmity, Forester/Hunter with Provisioner? Just looking for some suggestions based on your experience.
Yes, I'd seen that, Zig/Zag (thanks for Donk's armor). So, I was wondering if it made sense to have one character focus on 3 gathering skills to support other characters... or would they have to at least start out with a gathering skill before progressing?
I think that the mail system will make these dependencies a lot less necessary.

And yeh my warden has 3 gathering skills :)
Yes, I'd seen that, Zig/Zag (thanks for Donk's armor). So, I was wondering if it made sense to have one character focus on 3 gathering skills to support other characters... or would they have to at least start out with a gathering skill before progressing?
I think dispersing gathering onto each character is a good idea generally so that each of your characters has something to do between activities. Also, it allows them to benefit from gathering in dungeons as they seem to give more resources than overland. Nodes in dungeons also serve as placeholders for chests so more people clearing = more loot.
So, I was wondering if it made sense to have one character focus on 3 gathering skills to support other characters... or would they have to at least start out with a gathering skill before progressing?
Keep in mind that crafting/gathering level can only be +10 of your character level. So you can't just send everything to a lvl 1 char and have lvl 50 professions on him.
The answer is to use world chat, guild, and friends for help on things you need

But I also like to play solo/self-sufficient in MMO games.... as do most people (I know its opposite of MMO)

So I'm planning 3 characters
There are 3 gather and 6 craft
You could do 1 gather + 2 craft on 3 toons to get you everything
Or you could do what I am attempting.... not sure if smart or dumb yet

* G = Hunter
* C = Provisioner
* C = Outfitter

* G = Forester
* G = Prospector
* C = Woodworker

* C = Armorsmith
* C = Weaponsmith
* C = Tinkerer