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Backer questions


Hey there all:

I am thinking about comming back after running across someome streaming Embers the other day.

I am a backer from back in the day. I purchased 3 accounts to back as much as I could.

I was just wondering what the backer perks were? I seem to recall a 5.00 sub at some point not sure if that was a limited time?

As an original backer, if I come back with no sub I would have to only play 1 character per account? The other two not accessible?

Also did I hear Subs get more character spots per account? and how many?

Thanks any and all for any information you can give me on the updated status of the game from the standpoint of Backer, Subscriber, Free.

Thanks Much CyberKnight
I am a backer from back in the day. I purchased 3 accounts to back as much as I could.
Depending on when you backed you will have access to special titles and a weapon rack of Ember Inlaid weapons found above the ranger's guild in the city.

As an original backer, if I come back with no sub I would have to only play 1 character per account? The other two not accessible?
Yes, you are allowed one active character per account without a subscription. On your first login you will have to designate one character as "active". The others will remain inactive until a subscription is purchased.

Also did I hear Subs get more character spots per account? and how many?
Subscribers have access to 5 character slots.

Thanks any and all for any information you can give me on the updated status of the game from the standpoint of Backer, Subscriber, Free.
Hope that answers your questions! If not just let us know and we can try to clarify.