- Fixed stuck spots in Central Veins, Ember Veins, Forgotten Depths, Aquifer, Meadowlands, Newhaven Valley, and Meadowlands.
- Fixed some floating props in Newhaven Valley
- Fixed a quest volume trigger in Forgotten Depths that was using the wrong data. This was preventing click to target from working properly.
- Fixed a bug with camera zoom initialization.
- Fixed a bug that prevented camera zoom from continuing to smoothly adjust when your mouse was over a UI element.
- Added VFX to group member backpacks: they will now show the blue "ping" circle on the ground.
- Added "(YOURS)" and "(GROUP MEMBER)" to backpack tooltips of yours and group members.
- Added missing footstep audio for dense and hallow wood.
- Added a confirmation dialog to bank expansion upgrades.
- Improved Northreach Doe task description
- Improved Redshore Ridge Mandrake task to include secondary objective.
- Increased Raven task in Grizzled Peaks level minimum to 48
- Renamed level 46 belt to "Double Belt" and assigned a new icon.
- Replace Blighted Stalker with Spider Stalker in Highlands to avoid other mobs killing them.
- Removed incorrect VFX from Injured Rat Blind Rage ability.
- Disabled lights above water in a dungeon room that was causing some visual issues
- "Armored Target Dummy" renamed to "Target Dummy" with an "Armored" title.
Player vs. Player Proving Grounds
A new arena has been constructed in Newhaven Valley adjacent to the Circle camp. Within you can fight 1-on-1, free for all, or party vs. party. While in the arena you will automatically be flagged for PvP and the flag will be removed once you leave. A new icon will appear under your nameplate when this flag is active. There are however, as always, a few caveats and important things to consider:
- Other players can only be targeted if you have matching PvP flags. This means that you cannot target someone flagged for PvP while you are not flagged for PvP.
- Players will be selectable as an offensive target only if you are both flagged for PvP and they are NOT a member of your group. Group members are selectable as defensive targets (as usual).
- Lull, Threat, and Fear do nothing.
- Combat logs will still report absorption, but no armor damage is actually done (this includes armor dots).
- No armor damage is applied when giving up.
- Upon releasing your backpack will be placed outside of the Proving Grounds.
- When flagged for PvP you gain innate resists to CC-type effects (movement slows, daze, stun, etc) and debuffs from other players. The values are shown on the PvP icon tooltip.
- This feature is FOR FUN. We fully recognize that nothing about this is balanced and that is ok with us. We have no intentions on rebalancing the game around PvP. We very well may expand upon this feature in the future with additional areas (with obstacles, etc, think EQ's arena zone) - but it is lower on the priority list.

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